Call me Superman

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Jaemin's POV

I heard noises outside of my apartment window. I walked over and shut it and went back to studying. It was quiet for the next 10 minutes so I opened the window again. "Hello!" Damnit, I spoke too soon. "Hellooooo! I knoww you hear mee!" I looked down and saw a girl, I think her name is Y/n. "What?" "I can't get in the building. Can you help me?" "Where's your key?" She looked around and shrugged "I dunno. I thought I had it but I guess not." Her words were so slurred I could barely understand what she was saying. How did she even make it to the building? 

"Well do you remember the code?" "If I rememberedd do you think I would ask for your help? Your a meanie mister! I just wanna get in the bedd. Come on help me!" I shook my head and rolled my eyes. This is so embarrassing. She started gagging and I looked at her "You okay?" No answer. Next thing I know she threw up all over the sidewalk. She looked like she was getting ready to fall over. "Oh shit." I put some shoes on and a jacket and ran outside to her. She saw me and drunkenly smiled "Hi! I need help gettingg-" "Yeah yeah I know. You need help getting in the building."

She had vomit all over her mouth, it almost made me throw up. Thankfully I had a tissue in my pocket and I wiped her mouth off. "Okay come on, get on my back." I turned around and a few seconds later I felt arms around my neck. Jesus, she's small. "Okay I'm gonna jump noww. Don't...don't drop me okay?" I chuckled "I won't." She jumped and I grabbed her legs because I felt her falling. I walked to the building door and put my code in and went inside.

"What apartment number are you?" Nothing except for light snores. "Of course you're sleeping." I walked up the stairs to the top floor and went to my apartment. I unlocked my door and went inside. I laid her on the couch. She looked really uncomfortable so I managed to take her jacket and shoes off. She still looked uncomfortable but I didn't want to go too far by taking her clothes off since I didn't know her.

I grabbed a blanket from my closet and put it over her. "Please don't bother me anymore, I have to study." I went back into my room and continued studying.

"What the fuck?!" I jolted up and looked around. The sun was up. I hurried and looked at the time, 7:45. "Shit. I'm late." I quickly took all my clothes off so I could shower. I went in the hallway so I could grab a towel. "Oh my god!" I looked over "Fuck!" I quickly wrapped a towel around me. "I'm so sorry. I forgot you were here." "Why am I here?" "You lost your key yesterday and you couldn't get in the building so I helped you. I was going to take you to your apartment but I didn't know the number."

"Don't tell me I was drunk." She put her head in her hands embarrassed. "Uh yeah you were. But it's okay. You only threw up all over the sidewalk." I teased. "That's so embarrassing. I'm sorry. I'm leaving now." "No it's fine. I was scared that you were going to hurt yourself. You did look like you drank a lot." "I was supposed to be studying but I ended up going out with some friends for stress relief." "I'm glad I saved you." "Yeah me too. Well I'll leave now. I have to go to school today, well it's only 3 classes." She grabbed her jacket and shoes "What's your name by the way?" "Jaemin, but you can call me Superman." She giggled "Well, Superman, I'm Y/n. I live in apartment 431 if you would ever like to visit." 

Her laugh is cute, she is too. I never really got to see that last night. "Maybe I'll be visiting soon." I smiled and she smiled back. "Well I'll get going now. See you later, Superman." "See you later Y/n." She left my apartment, closing the door behind her.

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