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I ignored the banging on the door as I stormed across the room and threw the clothes out the window. "Y/n! What are you doing!?" "Don't fucking worry about that Xiaojun!" I dropped the drawer and went to grab the clothes out of the closet and threw them out the window. "Y/n!" I looked down and saw Ten standing outside. "What?!" "What are you doing?!" "What does it look like? Making you leave!" He threw his arms up "For what?!" "You know what you fucking did!" He scoffed loudly "You gotta be fucking kidding me." I went back to the closet and grabbed more of his clothes and threw them out of the window. I heard the doorknob jiggle "Y/n open the goddamn door. Now!" "No Ten!" I grabbed his shoes and threw them out of the window one by one. On the third pair, the door opened and slammed shut "Next time you try to lock me out, make sure you take the spare key with you." He started walking closer to me "Now. Tell me what I did because I obviously don't know." One he was within arms reach I started punching and hitting him. Anywhere I could reach, I would hit. I could tell that it didn't hurt him, it actually annoyed him. He grabbed my arms and stopped me after a while. "You need to calm down and tell me what the fuck is going on." "Why didn't you tell me that you have a fucking child with another woman?" "Oh really this is what this is about? This is about me having a fucking child with another female five fucking years ago! Grow up, we've been together for two! I'm not with her, I was never in something serious with her. I knocked her up, so what?! I happened, I can't take it back." I folded my arms "So you don't even-" "I have tried everything in my power to communicate with this woman to help take care of him but after we got serious I stopped! I stopped for you!" I put my finger in his chest as tears threatened to leave my eyes "That doesn't take away from the fact that you still have a fucking CHILD TEN!" I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore and tears spilled out of my eyes. "Is this about me having a child with someone else or us not being able to make a child?" I pursed my lips together as tears streamed down my face and I fell into Ten's chest crying my eyes out. He wrapped his arms around me and I pushed off of him "This is about you having another child. I don't wanna speak to you. You hid something huge from me. And I'm really hurt by it." The truth is I was hurt because me and Ten has been trying to conceive for a year now and it hasn't been working, and now I know that it's my fault that we keep failing. I walked over and sat on the bed "Please Ten, I wanna be alone." He walked to me and kissed me on the forehead "I'm sorry that I hid it from you. I'm here when you're ready to talk." I nodded as he walked out of the room. I grabbed the bottle of alcohol that I keep in my drawer and started drinking.

Slight Time Skip

I went to take another swig of my drink but I noticed that it was completely empty "Well fuck. Now I have to get more." I stood up and stumbled backwards a little bit. Once I felt like I was stable enough I walked out of the room and into the kitchen for more alcohol. "Shit!" I heard shuffling behind me and tried to ignore it. "Y/n." I heard Ten's voice call and I felt tears sting my eyes again "What?" "Are you drunk?" His sentence was slightly slurred so I knew he had been drinking too. "No. But you are." He scoffed "Like hell I am." I rolled my eyes as I heard him walk out. I finally found a bottle of Tequila and went back to the room. I saw Ten laying on the bed and I could tell that he was quietly crying. I took my third sip from the bottle and sat it on the dresser. Seeing him like that broke my heart into a million pieces. I climbed in the bed behind him and wrapped my whole body around him "I'm sorry for going off on you like that." He shook his head "You have every right to feel how you feel. I was wrong for hiding it for so long." "That's not why I was upset. I was upset because we aren't able to have a baby and the fact that you had it with someone else makes me think that it's my fault. It's the fact that I have an alcohol problem." He turned and faced me "Your alcohol problem came from stress and depression that you didn't cause. I shouldn't have tried so hard to make you have a kid." I put my head in his chest "I guess we just aren't meant to have our own child." "Don't say that. Maybe your body can't handle one but we can do it some other way, we both know this." I nodded "Yeah." There was a silence for a while. "Have you sobered up yet?" I let out a slurred chuckled "Not really. I've been drinking since I threw your clothes out the window. Have you?" He laughed a little "I've started to and I put my clothes back after I got rid of the rest of the guys." "I have to apologize to them too. I said the meanest shit to them when they were just trying to get me to stop." "Well they don't know what we're going through as a couple." "Yeah." He got up and grabbed the bottle of Tequila and sat up against the headboard. He held the bottle up "Let's forget about what happened today." He downed half of it before handing me the bottle. "That was hot Ten." He chuckled as I put the bottle up to my mouth and downed the rest of it. "That was hotter. We're for sure gonna forget about everything tomorrow morning."

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