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"Are you sure it's not a trap?" Hermione asked hesitantly as Ron and I held up Harry. "You know what Voldemort is capable of, Harry."

"I saw it, Hermione!" Harry insisted. "It was like with Mr Weasley. The same door I've been dreaming about for months and I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before."

"What do you mean?" Ron asked.

"Sirius said Voldemort was after something," Harry pushed himself away from Ron and I as we started to climb the stairs. Scarlett and Gia were right behind us. "Something he didn't have the last time and it's in the department of mysteries!"

"Harry please just listen!" Hermione pleaded. We all stopped on the moving stairs. Harry was breathing heavily as he waited for her to talk. "What if Voldemort wanted for you to see this?"

I thought for a moment, "Hermione is right. What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you?"

"And so what if he is, Abby?" Harry scoffed. "I'm supposed to just let him die?"

"I didn't say that," I sighed. "I just think we need to think about this for a moment."

"Abby, he's the only family I have got left," Harry said earnestly. Hurt flickered across my face thinking of the countless times my family has been there for Harry. I had no idea what he was going through and his connection to Sirius.

Ron and I exchanged a look. He turned to Harry, "What do we do?"


The group of us made our way to Umbridge's office where we were met with Ginny, Luna and Neville. They said they watched us leaving in a hurry and wanted to help.

Harry, Ron and Hermione went into Umbridge's office to use her Floo Network in an attempt to contact Sirius.

Luna and Neville went to distract the Inquisitorial Squad, specifically Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Ginny and I had broken apart from the group to keep a lookout right before I asked Scarlett, "What will you two do?"

Scarlett smirked, "I'm not Fred Weasley's girlfriend for nothing."

Simultaneously, Scarlett and Gia held out stink bombs to set off and get the attention of Filch.

Ginny and I ran to different sides of the corridor by Umbridge's classroom. Something felt off.

I turned around to look for Ginny but she was gone. Before I knew was what happening, I heard a voice say, "Petrificus Totalus!"

I was frozen and being dragged into Umbridge's office. The rest of my friends were all there.

"She's bloody heavy," I heard Pansy Parkinson spit and I vowed to hex her as soon as I could move again.

Draco's eyes narrowed on me, "I'll take her, Parkinson."

My breathing eased because I knew Draco wouldn't hurt me. Ginny still had her wand on her and casted the counter-curse for the spell on me before Cassius Warrington took it from her.

"Parkinson, I am going to hex you into oblivion," I threatened but felt Draco hold my hands behind my back to keep me in place.

Our attention turned to Umbridge, who had sat Harry in a chair to interrogate him.

"You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?" She asked with her fake sweet tone.

"No," Harry answered.

Umbridge slapped him across the face and yelled, "Liar!"

I tried to jump forward but yet again Draco held me back.

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