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I'm sorry if this chapter isn't good. I haven't been feeling well lately and I guess it reflected on this chapter. It's also more of a filler. Hopefully you still enjoy :)


One morning at breakfast, Errol flew over me and dropped another letter. I caught it just in time before it landed in my food again.

I opened the letter carefully and started reading.

To my children,

"It's addressed to all of us," I told Ron.

As you know Easter Holidays are coming up soon. Your father and I would love if we could see all of you over the break. Write back soon to let us know if you would want to come home to the Burrow for the two weeks.

"She wants to know if we will come home over our Easter Holidays," I told my brothers.

"I planned on staying here," Percy said and returned to his conversation with his other prefect friends.

"We dedicated these holidays to pranking with Peeves," Fred explained and George nodded. They exchanged a mischievous look. I rolled my eyes.

"I want to go home," Ron said but Hermione immediately scolded him.

"You cannot go home Ronald, everyday our professors are assignment more and more homework. You do not want to fall behind. Neither do you Abby," Hermione stated.

"I guess you're right Hermione but I do want to see Ginny. I might compromise and do one week here and one week at the Burrow," I said and since Hermione closed her mouth, I knew my idea would work out. I got up from my seat.

"I'm going to quickly answer Mum before our lessons start. Anyone want to join me?" I asked while I gathered my things.

Gia shrugged, "Sure why not? We'll meet you guys in Transfiguration."

Gia and I left the Great Hall and made our way to the common room quickly so I could quickly respond to Mum.

"I'll be two seconds, just wait here," I said over my shoulder as I walked up to the stairs of our dorm. I found some parchment, ink and a quill and began responding to Mum.

Dear Mum,
It seems like the boys have made other plans for the Holidays and want to stay at Hogwarts over the break. Our professors are piling work on us everyday. So I decided that I'll come home to the Burrow for a week and then return to school and catch up my work for the last week of the holidays. I'm very excited to see you soon.

Once I finished the letter I walked downstairs and grabbed Gia from the couch in the common room. Luckily the owlery wasn't too far from Professor McGonagall's classroom.

I gave my letter to Errol and Gia and I walked into Transfiguration only two minutes late. To Gia this was the end of the world.

"I'm sorry we're late Professor. Gia came with me to the owlery to send a letter to my Mum," I explained as we took our seats.

"Don't let it happen again," She said sternly and I nodded. I am not getting on McGonagall's good side lately.


"Wooo!!" I cheered in my dorm. "I'm going home!"

All the girls rolled their eyes at me. I didn't care and continued to pack my things. Easter holidays have finally arrived. Hermione is staying at Hogwarts while Gia and Scarlett are going home.

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