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I woke up absolutely starving this morning. I couldn't wait to go to the Great Hall for some breakfast. While I was getting ready I thought about my day. Today there was a Quidditch match with Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. I was excited like always and made my way to breakfast with the girls.

We found an empty spot at the Gryffindor table and you could see our entire house beaming with pride and anxious with anticipation for the match. We were joined by Harry, Hermione and Ron who looked to be deep in a conversation. Probably more conspiracies. This lot never stops.

I filled my plate and immediately began to eat.

"Mmmm," I sighed with pleasure as I took another mouthful of food. The girls and Harry started laughing hysterically watching me stuff my mouth.

"What?" I asked with my mouth full of food.

"I just never really saw any similar personality traits between you and Ronald before and now we found one; Food," Hermione said grinning. I took a sip of my drink and smiled at my amused friends.

"Well I mean you can't blame us. Food is amazing. You'd be daft not to enjoy the meals everyday here," I said shrugging my shoulders. "And to be honest I woke up extra starving today!"

The laughs got interrupted by the familiar hooting of the owls. I eagerly looked up and I saw Errol making his way towards us. He flew straight past me and dumped a letter onto my plate. The letter was covered in my food! I had to wipe off everything from the letter and I officially lost my appetite.

"I was enjoying that," I muttered as I continued to wipe food off the letter.

"Who's it from Ab?" Ron asked peering over. "Mum?"

I looked down and opened the letter. My eyes shifted to the end of the parchment and saw my sisters name.

"Nope," I said shaking my head. "It's from Ginny!"

My eyes fell down to the parchment and I started to read.

Dear Ab,
How was your Christmas?
It wasn't the same without you lot here but it was wicked visiting Charlie in Romania with Mum and Dad. Mum wanted me to tell you to write her as she hasn't heard from you since Christmas. Anyway, I wish we could've seen each other over the break but I can't wait until Easter holidays. You're coming home right? I'm counting down the days! You'd never expect this from being at the Burrow but it's really lonely at home when it's just Mum and I. I wish I could've seen your reaction to our gift to you in person. I remember your letter telling me how much you adored it and I was really glad. Don't let Fred and George fool you by the way, I picked it out. I'd love for you to write more and tell me about your day to day life at Hogwarts. I can't wait until I get there. If you're coming home for Easter then I'm so excited to hear all the school gossip. I can also help you study for final exams if you want. For now I just want to hear about one thing. Any boys catching your eye? Like Harry Potter! Merlin I don't know what I would do if I was around the Boy Who Lived! He sounds so dreamy. Tell me all about him!
Speak to you soon Ab,

I finished the letter with a smile and then contemplated whether or not I should tell Gin about Malfoy. I pushed those thoughts aside when I heard someone talking to me.

"What did she say to you?" Ron said trying time grab the letter. I remembered the part at the end about Harry and put the letter away just in time before Ron could grab it.

"Just things," I said shrugging.

"Ginny never writes to me," Ron muttered folding his arms over his chest.

"Maybe because I'm the favourite," I tease. Ron rolls his eyes and carries on eating his breakfast.


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