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It's been a couple uneventful days since Christmas and I can't say that I've been doing much.

My daily routine consists of eating the meals, going to the library to do a bit of homework/reading. Occasionally Harry would join me in the library, searching for someone by the name of Nicholas Flamel. I had absolutely no idea who he was, even though the name did sound a bit familiar I just couldn't put my finger on it.

After the library I make my way back to the common room and stare out the window. It was still winter so there was still snow falling onto the grounds. Looking out of the window was always so peaceful to me.

Today, Ron sat with me and we were just chatting to each other about the family. We spoke about Charlie in Romania. Since Charlie had such a passion for dragons it soon rubbed off and Ron and I. Mostly on me though. I don't know what I'd do if I saw a dragon in person but learning about them was really interesting to me. I also love that it's something I can bond with Charlie about and even Ron sometimes.

I have such a different relationship with each of my siblings, well except Percy, and it's funny noticing which aspects of my personality appear when I'm around one of them.

I remembered that Fred and George were driving Percy and some teachers absolutely mad. When I remembered this I started laughing quietly and Ron thought I was crazy, as per usual. The twins were my favourite source of entertainment during these holidays if I'm being honest.

One day I saw them attacking Professor Quirrell with snowballs and I almost fell over from laughing so hard. I laughed even harder when I saw them getting in trouble and I didn't see a hint of guilt in their eyes. They came back from their punishment every night late after supper.

They told me that they forced to clean the kitchens after suppers which they didn't mind. They told me that it wasn't a big deal because they frequently visit the kitchens and the house elves working there help them clean up.

After my constant nagging for some mischief, my brothers promised that next time they think of an awesome prank they would include me. This kept me absolutely thrilled for a couple days. I couldn't wait to see what they had planned.

Anyway the students are going to return from holidays soon and it'll be nice to see everyone again. Even though it was nice to have a quiet holiday for a change.

Suddenly Harry ran into the common room out of breath, interrupting my conversation with my brother.

"What's wrong Harry?" I asked him.

When he finally calmed down he said to us, "I've been looking for you two all over!"

Ron and I made a face, looked at each other and then back at Harry.

"We've been here all day mate, why didn't you look here?" Ron questioned him. I suppressed my laughter. Ron's right. We haven't moved from this spot for hours.

Harry face palmed, "You're right. I just really need to show you guys something. Come with me! Actually first, wait right here!"

I got up and then when he finished I sat back down, rolling my eyes. He ran up to his dorm and came down quickly. He grinned at us while holding his invisibility cloak.

"What are you doing with that Harry?" Ron asked him raising his eyebrow.

"I think we might be doing a bit of exploring Ronald," I said grinning and saw Harry nodding.

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