𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝘄𝗼

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"Get up! Get up!"

I sat up in my bed quickly.

"Merlin it's not even morning yet," I groaned. I looked outside the window and it was still bloody dark.

"We need to leave for the Quidditch World Cup already," Hermione rolled her eyes. Get dressed and come help me wake the boys."

I knew Mum said we had to be up early but I didn't expect us to get up at this time. I quickly got ready and slung my bad over my shoulder.

Hermione seemed satisfied and we walked towards Ron's room where Harry was staying with him.

Once we were inside, Hermione rushed to Harry's bed. He was squirming and visibly sweating.

"Are you all right?" Hermione looked down at him. I stood on the other side of Harry's bed.

"Hermione," Harry sighed. "Bad dream."

Hermione whipped around to Ron's bed and I winced.

"Wake up! Wake up, Ronald!" She whisper-yelled.

Ron immediately woke up and covered himself with his blanket. I rolled my eyes. Boys.

"Bloody hell," Ron cursed.

"Just get dressed, you git," I laughed.

Ron narrowed his eyes towards me and grabbed the pillow from behind his head. He threw it straight at my head but I easily caught the pillow.

Harry sat up in his own bed and jokingly clapped. I bowed towards Harry and then turned to Ron, "Don't go back to sleep. I wouldn't want to get on Hermione's bad side today."

Just as I was about to leave the boy's room, I saw Ron fall back onto his bed and start snoring. Merlin, Hermione's going to kill him.

I walked downstairs and saw Scarlett and Ginny having breakfast already.

"Morning, everyone," I sighed and grabbed some toast.

"Cheer up sunshine," George teased. "It's going to be a great day."

I stuck my tongue out and waited for everyone to finish getting their things organized.

After about an hour, Ron was finally out of bed and we all made our way out the Burrow. I said goodbye to Mum and quickly followed Fred and George.

I was talking to them about Hogwarts and who they're supporting for the match today. It seemed like majority of my family was supporting Ireland.

I turned my head at some point in the walk to see Scarlett also walking with Fred and George, although much closer to Fred. That's odd.

I started to walk off from the twins and when Scarlett realized I was gone, she walked alongside me and we joined Ginny and Hermione in their conversation.

Scarlett didn't seem so invested in the conversation but I realized that Hermione was giving Ginny advice on how to act around Harry and I completely agreed with everything she was saying.

We were walking for a while when I heard Ron call out, "Hey, Dad. Where are we going?"

"Haven't the foggiest," Dad smiled. "Keep up!"

Well that's bloody brilliant.

A few minutes later, a voice exclaimed, "Arthur! It's about time."

"Sorry, Amos," Dad apologized. "Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start."

I rolled my eyes in the direction of my twin brother. He yawned in response.

Dad introduced us to the man before him, "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. He works with me at the Ministry."

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