𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗳-𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲

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While the wizarding world was still on edge, things had seemed to calm down.

Life at the Burrow was the same as always. From out my window, I could see Scarlett and Fred sitting together by the lake, while George attempted to get rid of some gnomes.

I could smell Mum's cooking all the way from my room and my stomach grumbled. It's definitely time for lunch.

As I was about to get up from my bed, I heard a tapping sound on the window. I stood up to open for the unfamiliar owl.

He was beautiful. The large bird almost towered over me and dropped the envelope in my hands before quickly flying off.

I looked down at the envelope with the word "Abby" written on top of it and I immediately recognized the handwriting to be Draco's.

My skin was itching with anticipation the entire break to send Draco an owl to see how he was doing but I knew it was for the better that I didn't.

He had been very quiet since his father was taken to Azkaban and I hadn't heard from him at all. It seemed strange that he would send an owl seeing as someone else in my family could easily intercept it and find out about us, so it must be important.

I carefully opened the envelope and took out the letter. My eyes scanned the parchment frantically.

I'm sorry to have to write this over a letter but I have no choice. We simply can no longer see each other. Our backgrounds are too different, we knew we would never last. Some things have occurred over the break that I'm not allowed to speak about. It's better if we just end it now. Don't try reaching out to me as I won't be available.


Did I just receive a break up letter?


My eyes scanned the letter a further three times just to make sure what I was reading was correct.

My eyes welled up with tears as I clutched the letter to my chest.

Tears started pouring out of my eyes so quickly I couldn't stop them.

"Hey Ab, you should really come downstairs your Mum made— What's wrong?" Scarlett ran up to me and I wordlessly handed her the letter.

"What?" She almost screeched. "How could he do this? He loves you so much."

"Apparently not anymore," I chocked out and swiped at my eyes.

"It doesn't make sense," Scarlett whispered. "Why wouldn't he explain what's going on? Do you think it's about his dad?"

I shrugged my shoulders weakly.

"My heart hurts, Scar," I sighed and turned over to my side. My eyes locked in on the moving photograph of my friends and I.

I felt a dip in my bed and Scarlett putting her arms around me, "I'm so sorry."


I knocked on Ron's door to call him and Hermione for dinner. Poor Ron had been dragged into extra revision before the school year begins with Hermione.

She had arrived a few days ago and could sense something was wrong but when asked about it, I shrugged her off and said I didn't want to talk about it.

Which wasn't a lie. Talking about Draco and my emotions was the last thing I wanted to do right now. Besides she wouldn't understand anyway. Neither would Ron or Harry. They hate Draco and their view on him is never going to change.

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