13. Project Insight

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Leia's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar room. My head pounds and tingles at the same time. I'm sitting in a large chair and there's several computer screens around me. The room is warm from both the temperature and the lighting. My eyes wander around the space and I slowly come to terms. There's tiny drawers on three of the four walls, some overflowing with papers.

"привет Калипсо. (Hello Calypso)" I hear a mans voice.
He comes into view with a small notebook in his hand.

"Желание. Ржавый. Семнадцать. Рассвет. (Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak)" The man reads aloud and my head thumps. "Печь. Девять. Добросердечный. (Furnace, nine, benign)" I feel myself slipping away as he repeats those treacherous words. I stretch my head back aggressively as he keeps going. "Возвращение на Родину. Один. Товарный вагон. (Homecoming, one, freight car)" My head falls forward, hair falling in my face and I see the man stand in front of me. "доброе утро солдат. (Good morning soldier)" He says to me and my mind is blank but tingling.
"Я готов отвечать. (Ready to comply)" I say to him.

Narrator's POV

Project Insight is a go. The Helicarriers are launched into the sky above Washington D.C.
Captain Rogers, Sam Wilson, Black Widow and Agent Hill set about infiltrating the Triskelion to plant their own chips.

"Hey Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam asks Steve as they're running towards the Helicarriers.
"If they're shooting at you, they're bad." Steve states the obvious. Sam deploys his wings and flies off the edge while Steve jumps down onto the monster of a ship. He sprints along the runway until there's bullets flying in his direction, he shields his way to cover, fending off the gunmen with a grenade.

Meanwhile the Falcon flies to the next Helicarrier, but is spotted by more Hydra agents and they begin to shoot at him. "Woah! Hey Cap, found those bad guys you were talking about." Sam flies around avoiding the bullets.
"You okay?" Steve asks still taking cover.
"I'm not dead yet." Sam zips through the air.

Captain Rogers runs through the Helicarrier's main weapons centre where he inserts his own chip which would allow them to force the Helicarriers to target themselves.
After his encounter with one of the piloted quinjets Sam too places his chip in the second Helicarrier.
"Two down. One to go." Agent Hill says into their radio.

The third Helicarrier is all that's left. A group of reliable S.H.I.E.L.D. pilots walk onto the runway of IN-01. "All S.H.I.E.L.D. pilots, scramble. We're the only air support Captain Rogers has got." The pilot speaking is interrupted by a bazooka hitting one of the quinjets that's taking off sending it crashing down.

Calypso's POV

I watch the long haired man with a metal arm raise the barrel of the gun. He fires it and it causes a jet to explode mid take off. I smile devilishly as he walks forward. I secure the mask around my jaw and run towards the chaos. Men dressed in dark uniforms come at me from every which way but I disable each and every one of them with the shotgun I snatched up.
They all drop like flies as the Winter Soldier and I purge our way through. I catch a glimpse of the soldier chucking a grenade into one of the jets and it blows up instantly sending debris everywhere.

A few men run at me unarmed and I retrieve the handgun from my shoulder blade harness and shoot each of them dead. I spy the Winter Soldier running towards the final jet and I take off after him. He climbs onto the roof and I can see the unsuspecting pilot in the pit. The Soldier shoots him through the glass, killing him. I fire a small canon at the door blowing it clean off, while the soldier rips his side off its hinges. I tear the deceased pilot from the seat throwing him out. Both of us slide into the seats and the soldier takes control, eyes burning ahead as he flies up to the other Helicarriers.

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