56. I Am Iron Man

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Clint still holds the infinity gauntlet as he runs through the battlefield as a Chitauri Gorilla bellows, jumping at him. But Sam flies in knocking it to the ground where he stabs his sharp wings into the monster's chest, killing it.

"Cap? What do you want me to do with this damn thing?" Clint asks into the coms.
"Get those stones as far away as possible!" Steve yells while fending off more Sakaarans.
"No! We need to get 'em back where they came from!" Bruce yells at the captain.
"No way to get em back." Tony pipes up. "Thanos destroyed the Quantum Tunnel."
"Hold on!" Giant-Man shrinks back down to Scott size. "That wasn't our only time machine." Scott presses the keys and immediately a horn flourish comes through the air.
"Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?" Steve asks searching the field.
"Yes! But you're not gonna like where it's parked." Valkyrie announces spotting the van in the midst of Thanos' troops.
"Scott, how long you need to get that thing working?" Tony asks.
"Um, maybe ten minutes." Scott says and Hope flies down beside him.
"Get it started. We'll get the stones to you." Steve says running off to fight once more.

Tony flies through the air and lands by Doctor Strange.
"Hey!" He says retracting his helmet. "You said one out of 14 million, we win, yeah? Tell me this is it."
"If I tell you what happens.. it won't happen." Strange says.
"You better be right." Tony huffs.

Hope and Scott fly into the van and grow to normal size in the front seat.
"It's a mess back here." Hope mutters.
"It's dead." Scott tries to get it started but to no avail.
"What?" Hope leans back slowly.
"It's dead." He repeats. "I have to hot wire it."

Thanos fights off Masters of the Mystic Arts when Maw gets his attention, pointing to Clint who runs with the gauntlet. A blast of purple knocks the approaching enemies and Black Panther lands before Hawkeye.
"Clint... Give it to me." T'Challa demands and Clint has no trouble handing it over. The Wakandan king takes off running while building up energy in his suit. The blast it lets off sends Sakaarans flying backwards. Then Thanos' weapon flies through the air knocking T'Challa and he loses his grip on the gauntlet.
Thanos runs for the stones but a blast of red lands between them. Wanda looks up at the Titan with glowing red eyes.
"You took everything from me." She says with a clenched jaw.
"I don't even know who you are." Thanos says.
"You will." Wanda says, sheer malice in her tone.
The Titan advances for her but she uses her powers to collect up piles of debris and send them flying at him. He manages to take the hits barely skidding back across the ground. Wanda lands before him sending blasts of red his way, advancing as he stumbles to his feet.

The ground moves beneath the gauntlet as Ebony Maw scoops it out of reach of Black Panther using his telekinesis. T'Challa dives for it grasping it but being caught in the movement of rock.
"I got it!" Peter yells swinging by on his webs. T'Challa chucks the gauntlet up into the air and he catches it swiftly. "Activate Instant Kill!" Peter says as he lands and his suit fends off the Chitauri that attack him.

Thanos grabs his double-bladed weapon and tries to attack Wanda but she catches the blade with her powers. Thanos' eyes are narrowed as he uses all his strength to lay the blade into her but Wanda's mind is clouded with revenge. When suddenly a blue blast enters the equation, faltering Thanos' grip. Wanda takes the opportunity to blast his weapon away.
Leia jumps down and they both capture him in orbs of blue and red. Both their eyes glow bright as they focus all their energy onto the Titan. They use their powers to try and crush him and it appears to be working. The two women who gained their powers from an Infinity Stone overpower the Titan engulfing him in a mix of red and blue.
Leia holds him while Wanda raises him into the air. They both use their powers to strip him of some of his armor. He groans out in agony and it's music to the women's ears at that point. Leia closes her fists slowly, agonizingly, and injuries are slowly inflicted upon the Titan.

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