29. Self Help

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"Thank you for this." Steve says as T'Challa comes and stands beside him.
"Your friends and my father, they were both victims. If I can help one of them find piece.." T'Challa fades out.
"You know if they find out they're here, they'll come for them." Steve looks at the king.
"Let them try." T'Challa says. They both look out the window at the foggy landscape, until the door opening interrupts them.

"Ah, my sister, Shuri." T'Challa introduces the Wakandan princess.
"Brother, Captain Rogers." She smiles.
"Your highness." Steve says. "What's going to happen to them?"
"We are going to help your friends. I'm using the most sophisticated bio-scanners in Wakanda to create a digital representation of their minds. So we can run tests while avoiding damage to the brain." Shuri explains.
"Thank you." Steve says to the princess.
"Not a problem." She smiles.


Months later T'Challa, upon request, walks into Shuri's lab. He looks at her expectantly waiting for her to talk.
"I have discovered the link to Barnes and Callahan's programming." Shuri says and T'Challa is intrigued. "Their programming is mostly connected to trigger words. So I've developed an algorithm that can 'reset' them, so that Hydra's program can be destroyed without removing any of their memories."
"That's good, very good." T'Challa nods.
"The algorithm can also be used to improve Wakanda's technology through artificial intelligence." She adds and T'Challa won't admit it, but he's proud of his little sister.
"Well done... Do what you must." He says before exiting the room.


Bucky can feel the senses coming back to his body as the air around him hisses. He starts to breath heavily as the glass doors retract.

"Hello Mr Barnes." He hears a female voice and his eyes start to open slowly. He lets out a small mumble as two sets of hands grasp his body, helping him out of the chamber.
"How are you feeling?" Shuri asks him.
"I'm okay." He says and that's when he sees the second cryo chamber next to his. It's still fogged by ice and he can't see inside. "Is she okay?" He immediately remembers Leia.
"She is alright, we're just about to bring her out too." Shuri tells him. "But in the mean time, they'll take you to a room."
"Okay." He sighs, lacking the energy to argue. They must've been successful if they're bringing him out. Bucky leaves the room and the scientists and Wakandan princess set about running the final checks on Leia.

After some time there's a knock on Bucky's door and his head whips up in anticipation. Though its not Leia that walks through its Shuri.
"Sergeant Barnes." She smiles weekly as she walks in.
"Yes?" He notices her almost sympathetic look.
"We're having some trouble pulling Ms Callahan out of cryo-freeze." Shuri tells the soldier.
"What? Why?" Bucky sits up straight, panic surging through him.
"It's alright, there's a few more things we can do. I'll be sure to let you know when we're successful." Shuri says turning towards the door.
"I want to see her, please." Bucky's on his feet and by her side in a split second.
"You can come, but I have to ask you to stay out the room. There's windows you can watch through." Shuri tells him and he just nods not caring about where he has to stand.

The two of them walk through the vast corridors until Shuri directs him to stop and look through the window, while she leaves him and walks inside. He can see into the room somewhat well. He can see his own empty cryo chamber but not Leia's and his heart pounds. He can see everyone bustling around the room, behind screens but not her. And all he wants is to be able to see her. His eyes dart around for god knows how long as they run tests and try to bring her out of her sleep.
Eventually two men walk out the room and towards him.
"Is she okay?" Bucky asks immediately.
"Everything's normal but we're having some real trouble bringing her out. We have exhausted all our methods apart from one. And if that doesn't work..." The man says and Bucky's heart sinks.
"She'll be asleep forever?" Bucky's head starts to pound. The men are silent as his eyes dart around the room. After a moment he looks up at them. "Please get her out."
"We're doing our best, but we've been asked to take you back to your room." The second man says.
"Why?" Confusion sets on his shoulders.
"Just in case Mr Barnes." He says and the men grab Bucky's right arm and left shoulder.
"What do you mean just in case!?" He starts to pull away from them but their grips run tight.
"Shuri said it'd be best." One of them says as they pull him down the corridor. Bucky's heart hits the floor. If Shuri asked him to leave she must know there's not going to be a good outcome. He feels his body go numb from the thought of not having her.

"Just please get her out." Bucky pleads when they let go of him in his room.
"We will Mr Barnes." They say and close the door quickly. Bucky sits down on the bed rubbing his forehead with anxiety.

Meanwhile, back in the lab, Shuri is tapping away at her screen implementing their last measure to bring Leia out of cryo-sleep. She knows there's a lot riding on this and it's not easing her conscience whatsoever.
"Okay, last time." She says turning a dial and hovering her finger over the button. She takes a deep breath before pressing the button on the screen.
The cryo chamber hisses and the fog looms for a moment, before the ice thaws from the glass. The screen slides down slowly. "Vitals are good." One of the doctors pipes up. Everyone's eyes are on the woman strapped into the chamber crossing their fingers, holding their breath.

Leia's chest starts to rise and fall before her eyes open slowly.
"Oh thank god." Shuri mutters. Several men walk up to the chamber and help her out. They sit her down on a reclined chair as she comes to.

Leia feels herself stepping back into her body while it tingles. She looks around the room while she regains her awareness.
"Hello Ms Callahan." Shuri smiles at her.
"Hi." Leia looks around taking in her surroundings. She sees the empty cryo chamber that's next to hers and her heart begins to race quickly. "Where's Bucky? Is he okay?" She feels much better now.
"He's just fine. Would you like to see him?" Shuri asks.
"Yes please." Leia nods biting her lip nervously. Shuri nods and leads Leia out the room and into the hallway.
"How long did it take?" Leia asks about their time in cryo.
"A long several months, and we had some trouble bringing you out." Shuri tells her honestly.
"Thank you." She says as they stop in front of a door.
"You're welcome." Shuri says gesturing to the door before walking away.

Leia's heart beats rapidly in anticipation as she opens the door slowly. Her eyes dart around the room. It looks like a regular bedroom, a rather large one though. There's nice furniture which match the vibe of the rest of Wakanda that she remembers. Then she sees the bed, and there he is, sitting down looking at the floor.

Bucky's head whips up when he hears the door swing open. His heart beats rapidly as he sees Leia walk through the door.
"Leia." He stands up, teary eyed.
"Bucky." Leia exclaims. She runs towards his standing figure feeling herself tear up also. She leaps onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist and they hold each other tight. She clings to him as if her life depends on it. Bucky holds her back, burying his face in her shoulder. Eventually she lets go and he sets her down in front of him.

"You're okay!" Bucky holds her cheek, feeling a tear roll over his waterline.
"I'm okay." Leia also holds his cheeks letting her eyes scan his gorgeous face. "I missed you."
"I missed you more." Bucky counters pressing a hard kiss against her lips. As Leia closes her eyes she too feels a few tears fall down her cheeks. When they break away they just hold one another tight, having missed the feeling.


"You must have known that this conversation would happen." Tchalla says to Bucky and Leia who sit before him, Shuri, Okoye and Ayo.
"Yes but I didn't think it would be so soon." Leia mumbles.
"We must test to be sure that my efforts have reprogrammed your brains. It's all fine to assume that the damage is reversed but without testing it, we can't be sure." Shuri explains.
"Okay, so let's do this, together, get it over with." Leia puts on a brave face though her hands are shaking uncontrollably in her lap.
"I appreciate your enthusiasm Ms Callahan however we can't risk our people by completing these tests together." Tchalla drops the bomb.
"What?" They both protest.
"With all due... respect, your highness, I will not do this without her." Bucky grabs Leia's shaking hand tight.
"If we're going to do this we're doing it together. No questions asked." Leia puts her foot down.
"I understand your concerns Ms Callahan-" Tchalla starts.
"And I understand yours!! But I will not do this without him." Leia stands to her feet interrupting the king. The room falls silent by her actions and she lets out a heavy breath. "I'm sorry, your highness."
"Your highness, we must do this together." Bucky stands up beside Leia.
Tchalla looks between them, thinking about his next words. "You will complete the testing seperate, Ayo will help Sergeant Barnes and Okoye, Ms Callahan, no further questions. I am sorry, but I will not jeopardise the safety of my people, not until we are certain."
Leia looks at the four people before them, her face falling slightly knowing nothing she'll say with change their minds.
"The test will commence tomorrow evening." Is the last thing Tchalla says. Leia looks from Bucky back to the Wakandans and they both bow their heads in agreement. She grabs Bucky's hand gently and walks with him out the room.


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