70. What An Honor

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A momentary shrill squeal is sent about the space before a voice follows. "Attention ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats so we can begin the ceremony."
Bucky pulls out Leia's chair for her and she thanks him with a smile, sitting down. Bucky sits down quickly next to her as the lights dim slightly.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and our heroes... we welcome you to the Ahlberg Gallery. Tonight we celebrate the men and women who fought and risked their lives for our freedom, together not only with the people in this room but with billions around the world. This event is being televised across the globe so that everyone can join us in a celebration of these heroes." Leia's heart jolts by the mans words. The pressure she feels worsens. "My name is Bruce Willis and beside me, my friend Keanu Reeves and we will be your hosts for this evening." Bruce introduces the gala.

"First we would like to take this time to personally thank all those involved in such heroic acts. Beginning with The Guardians, Mr Peter Quill, Mr Drax, Ms Gamora, Mr Rocket Racoon, Mr Groot, Ms Nebula and Ms Mantis... The Armies of Wakanda, including King T'Challa, Princess Shuri, Lord M'Baku and General Okoye... Doctor Stephen Strange, Mr Wong and the Masters of the Mystic Arts... Mr Scott Lang and Ms Hope Pym... Ms Carol Danvers... Ms Pepper Potts... Spider-Man... Mr Loki Odinson, Ms Wanda Maximoff, Mr Sam Wilson, Sergeant James Barnes, Ms Leia Callahan... Doctor Bruce Banner, Mr Clint Barton, Ms Natasha Romanoff, Mr Thor Odinson, Captain Steve Rogers and Mr Tony Stark. Please join me in thanking our heroes." Keanu steps away from the mic and starts clapping profusely followed by the rest of the room erupting in applause. There's flashes around the space, a hired photographer capturing the evening.
The applause continues for a rather long minute while the Avengers sit and wait with almost awkward smiles upon their faces.
"Thank you, thank you." Bruce controls the crowd again. "Now I'd like to welcome Mr President to the stage to deliver our first award of the night." He steps back from the mic and starts the applause again as the president walks up onto the stage. He shakes the compares hands before turning to the microphone himself.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It is truly an honor to be here with you... With that being said the first award of the evening is what we call a title upgrade. This man has accomplished a great deal in his lifetime, earning the title of Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force. James Rhodes displayed outstanding efforts of dedication and valiancy during the Blip, helping the governments of the world control the chaos and keep peace. And for that reason it is my honor to amend the Colonel's title to that of General James Rhodes!" The President announces stepping back to applaud with the rest of the room as Rhodey makes his way up to the stage. Rhodey smiles to the photographers as he shakes the President's hand.

"Congratulations General Rhodes." The President steps up to the mic. "I would like to introduce the next awards to be given. The Nobel Peace Prize. This we have decided to give as a group. To both the Armies of Wakanda and the Masters of the Mystic Arts. Could a representative of each please join us on stage." Applause is sent through the room as Okoye and Wong walk to meet the President. They both accept the esteemed award with smiling faces for the cameras. Leia claps loudly with a bright smile.

"Congratulations." Keanu returns to the mic as the applause fades. "I'd now like to invite Mr Wallace of the Internat- Inter-World, excuse me, Inter-World Commission to present a new award."
"Thank you, thank you very much." The man smiles out across the crowded room. "Thank you for allowing me to be a part of tonight's celebrations, it's a real honor. With that in mind I'd like to introduce a new award, the Inter-World Protection Award. This award is in recognition of people who have not only shown astounding efforts of protection on our world but on others too. This distinguished award shall carry on well into our future seeing that there are worthy recipients. So tonight I would like to award the Inter-World Protection Medal to Mr Thor Odinson, Mr Loki Odinson, Ms Carol Danvers and The Guardians." He applauds and the recipients stand to accept. Even from Leia's table she can see the hesitancy in Loki but Thor smiles at him confidently and they walk up together, side by side. A man holds the tray of medals while Mr Wallace pins them to the recipients left breast. They all smile for a picture in one big group and Leia can't help but grin for her friends.

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