preference #38 : your favorite american horror story character

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ELIJAH : oliver thredson. he might have some serious issues, but you both love him and the way he develops through the season he's in. his scenes always excite you and elijah, although you're always little scared for the people around him.

KOL : chad warwick. while ahs itself can be very dark, and the first season has it's disgusting moments that just twist your stomachs, chad warwick brings joy and humor into the episodes. you love everything about chad, you think he's hilarious. 

JEREMY : lana winters. she's your favorite character ever, and it's no wonder. her strength and the way she survives through the season and the dark moments is just admirable. you and jeremy both adore the way sarah paulson portrays her.

KLAUS : cordelia foxx. he adores the way she develops from a leader to even a better one, and he admires her strength and confidence. you agree with klaus, cordelia is an amazing character and every time she's in a scene you bite your nails in excitement.

DAMON : dandy mott. when you started the show, he told you he needed to see psychopaths and he got what he wanted. dandy happened to be his favorite one of them all, and he's one of those characters you both hate, but love. you enjoy every scene he's in.

KAI : sister mary eunice. he's fascinated by the whole possessed nun thing, and so are you. you love the way she turns from an innocent nun into a devil, literally, and seeing her die was heart-breaking for you both. though even that scene was mind-blowingly great.

STEFAN : kyle spencer. some people didn't like him, but stefan got hooked on his development. you both loved the relationship between him and zoe benson, too. you were happy when kyle got somewhat back to normal, but you absolutely loved his monster-like behaviour. 

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