-Chapter 42-

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"I- I just wanted to *hic.. a-apologize. W-why won't she even *hic give me a chance to make it up to her" Raquel cried to her friend.

The kindhearted Lady Olivia comforted her. She was her only close friend in this school and they both are seatmates.

Raquel can't help but think about why Lady Winteira kept avoiding her.

She believes that there is something that she did wrong.

It all started when she bumped into her on the very first day.

She caught glimpse of Lady Winteira frowning at her.

Raquel made a lot of friends in this school and she believed that everyone is very friendly.

Even though they are nobles they do approach her to make friends.

Only Lady Winteira and her group avoids her.

She just thought positively and just kept on going. Lady Olivia is always there for her even though she too was a noble.

"You tried your best in apologizing, we can't help it if she keeps ignoring your apology." Lady Olivia sigh

Olivia is a daughter of Baron Blanchett. They are well known in the Food industry. They export goods like sugar and flour. He was very rich for a Baron.

Olivia and Raquel met since they were young and has always been friends. Her father lets her visit their home to play.

Even though Olivia is not close to her Father and was always strict to her. He lets Raquel visit her to play.


At Milliana's residence...

That night Milliana can't help but think of what she felt during that time Raquel grabbed her. A sudden chill came to her.

Her hands won't stop shaking for a while. She was lying down in bed and was just looking at her hand that Raquel grabbed. Wondering why that happened.

She leaned on her side and she remembered the handkerchief the Prince gave.

She opens her bedside drawer and saw the two handkerchief.

It really belonged to him. The same embroidery.

She put it back and closes her drawer.

She will give it back to him at school.


The weekend...

The friends are gathered in their meeting room in the guild.

"Argh, so many gathering questttt, I want something like hunting again." Shai grumbled On her seat.

It was Indie's turn to look for a quest to take.

These past week they only got gathering quests.

"The party is near, did everyone got a dress already?" Lily asks

Milliana nodded and so is Shai.

It would be half a month before the party and things should already been prepared.

Milliana's dress was especially picked by her mother.

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