-Chapter 64-

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Somewhere in the training grounds...

"Argh that peasant is really getting on my nerves!" Yelled by Ezri

She was fully drenched in pondwater and people kept looking at her when she passed by them.

She yelled as soon as no one was watching.

She hid behind the bushes and sat there.

She felt pain in her elbow so she was checking it out.

She suddenly heard a voice of two people talking.

"Why did you do that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you purposely pushed lady Ezri?"

"Huh? Why would I do that? I was being playful and was just going to surprise her but then I tripped"

"Silly, now look what happened." She gently hit her friend.

"I'm sorry, I would never do it again. Thank you always Olivia." The other one cling to her friend and hug her.

"Haha for what?"

"For always being there with me and always taking care of me." She hug her friend tightly.

Ezri who overheard the two clenched her fist in anger.

'How could she do this. To think that I got humiliated like this because of her silly prank gone wrong!'


I would not let you get away with this peasant.


Milliana's POV

"Breathe in and Breathe out. Just focus on the two stones you are holding. Let the magic inside it flow in you." Professor Neely is asking us to focus.

But what I kept thinking about is what happened earlier.

I swear I did slap Raquel around this time.

What if Ezri do the same?

I can't let her do that, she will only get bad in the eyes of the people.

I already took her place in this team. I can't let her take my place as the bully of Raquel.

"Milliana? Is there something wrong?" The professor asked.

I got up and asked if I could take a break. Thought of an excuse and said that my head is in pain.

She said go ahead and go to the school clinic.

And so Indie has volunteered to come with me.


"Is it that serious?" She said putting her hand over my forehead.

Checking my temperature.

"I'm alright" I said to her

"Huh? Don't tell me you just want to cut class like Shira now. I swear if she corrupted you like her she 's gonna —" I stopped Indie and pulled her to a bush.

I saw Ezri with anger in her eyes.

I followed where she was heading and saw that Raquel is with the others in her team laughing and chatting with them.

I went to Ezri and pulled her. Before she was noticed by her team.

"What the-" she said

"What are you planning to do?" I asked her

Indie frowned beside me confused of what is happening.

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