-Chapter 63-

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A few days later. At the palace....

The Queen is having a tea at the palace Garden.

"Your Majesty,"

"Any news?" The Queen said to her lady in waiting.

"The Duke of Eldridge has sent you a reply." The countess handed a letter to the Queen.

"I see, so they will visit soon. I'm looking forward to it. Prepare my gift." The Queen smiled as she took a sip of her tea.

She notice of the Crown Prince approaching and her face returns to normal.

"Greetings, your Majesty." He said as he reaches out for her hand.

The Queen stood up and gave her hand for the Prince to kiss.

"Rafael, I hope you are performing your duties well."

"Yes, I am getting ready to get departed and was just passing by to greet you, your majesty."

"Good, you are the current crown prince so you should do well in the eyes of the people. Well then go ahead now." She said

The Prince say his farewell then left.

There is no affectionate relationship between the two nor it was hatred.

But the Queen can't give the Prince the affection he wanted since young.

She chose to distance herself with him, because his position right now was suppose to be her son's and it hurts her so much thinking about what could have happened if her son is in that healthy boy's place.

The viscountess on the side knew of the Queen's reason and understood her. The pain of losing her first child is traumatizing.


She was taking a walk inside her palace when she heard that the King has been looking for her.

She decided to meet him but only for a few minutes.

"What brought you here, your majesty." She said as she sat down in front of him.

"Just... visiting my wife." He said with a hesitant smile.

He knows how his wife is still not forgiving him for what he has done.

They were so madly in love when they got married but it all ended as soon as she gave birth and the incident happened.

Even so, he is always trying to reach out to her and gave her everything she wanted.

The two had a little chat before the King returns to do his duties.

He did heard of the news that her brother will be visiting.

Duke of Eldridge is his close aide in the past and would like to see him as well.


At the magic academy....

Milliana's POV

"Good day! Let me show you how you can figure out your secondary magic. It would not be as powerful as your primary one but still you can have a chance to wield it." The Professor has showed us her ability.

She is an illusion magician but her mother is an Elementalist. Which allow her access to use an elemental magic stone.

The secondary ability that we have is far too weaker than our primary one.  But still, they want us to do it too.

There are some in the past with the ability to use dual elements and it is equally strong.

But not all do it because of the fact that it will drain someone's mana in a short time.

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