Chapter 14- Azure

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It was the weekend and Millie decides to go to the guild with her maid Ana

She told Ana not to treat her as she normally did and just act casually

They both are wearing masks and went to the guild

They went up to the second floor and went to the private room she and her friends goes to.

Entering, she saw her friend Lily sitting on the couch reading a letter.

She asked where the others are and Lily handed her the letter.


Dear my friends whom I love,

You see, after my snitch sister told our mother that I was out on a date when I am cutting classes, Mother punishes us for a month of lessons. That is the reason why we could not spend the time after school more. It starts that time. Please enjoy yourselves and live the most of your youth doing things you enjoy. I wish you all happiness and for I am suffering here BUT not alone for I have my sister with me.

I will not suffer alone and would drag her with me.

P.S My sister said she misses you all.

Love Shira Leandra Stephen


She rolled her eyes after reading the letter and then putting it away

She asked if Lily would want to join her, she says she wants to do some missions with Ana

She then assured Lily that the two of them would be enough to protect her because her maid is very powerful.

Lily just nodded saying that it was her plan to join her in the first place and it would have been fun with just the two of them.

Milliana wanted to practice her magic

She took the missions where it involves only gathering things from the forest and only few monsters are around.

She enjoyed doing this and it is much fun than when she was in the past

She never knew that using her magic like this is fun than avoiding to use it in the first place.

Their guild is located at the center of the market

A lot of people come in and out of the guild. Some are posting their request to the board and others are her guild mates

Noticing that on the other side not far from where their guild is located there is another new guild there

She thought that must be the one where Griffin is a member of

She looked at Lily and they talked about it.

The other guild was also full of people but mostly males

She said that she heard that they only gets very difficult missions and because people believe they are more powerful they posts the rare and difficult tasks on that guild

Lily was somewhat irritated because as soon as that guild appeared the number of request they get had decreased.

I understand because in the Celeste guild there is a lot of powerful members

And that new guild namely the Azure guild is somewhat still unknown

Walking near the Mori Forest, I stopped by a bakery

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