Chapter 16- Glimpse

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After arriving home Liliana went straight to her bedroom and looked for her journal in her bedside table

When she found it she immediately scan through her journal looking for something

After finding what she was looking for she sat on her bed remembering the events of what happened a while ago in the forest

It matches the description in the journal she was holding

She dreamt of it last week

In her dreams, she was in the forest. It was night time and she was alone. She looks around and it was an unfamiliar place

She knew that she was in Mori forest but no matter how many times she recalled she has never been to this part of the forest before.

There, she saw the waterfall which was seen because of the moonlight, in the water something is glowing

When she walk near it to see what it was the dream ended and she woke up back in her room and it was already morning. She picked up her journal right next to her and write what happened in her dream.

And today with Millie she found the waterfall

She doesn't know what that place is called but what happened today make her wonder if it is indeed the waterfall named Clessidra falls.

Clessidra falls is a hidden waterfall found in the Mori forest. It is one of the places that holds many secrets

The hidden places would show up when you are the right one to see it.

It will not show up to just anyone and the place will be the one to summon you so looking for it would be useless

The Clessidra falls is the falls that would show you what happened in the past and the future. Or it will show you something that it wants you to see.

And today, what she have seen is Millie's future.

It was unclear to her if it is good or not but the fact that she has seen Milliana's future shocked her

Even her who has the gift of foreseeing things by simply touching the person couldn't foresee Millie's future but the Clessidra falls has shown it to her

She saw Millie will meet someone in the future but she doesn't know whom and if it is a good omen or not.

The images confused her because after showing Millie and someone, it shined blue lights. She didn't know if it is Millie's magic or not but something blue shined brightly. Then it was cut off when Millie went to her.

She couldn't say anything about it and kept it a secret from her friend.


Milliana on the other hand still haven't returned home after bidding farewell with Liliana, with her is her maid near the bakery from this morning.

It was getting night time and few people are passing by.

She was looking for the kids earlier and couldn't find them so she was hanging around the bakery.

She notices someone exited the shop carrying some bread.

She then followed that person and it was Racquel. At the corners of the street she saw her went to a dark alley and waited for her to come back. She notices that the bread she was holding earlier is now gone,guessing that maybe the kids are there and that Racquel might have given it to them.

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