Chapter 18- A chapter in HER story

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*that is the seating arrangement to not be confused*
-Millie is on the purple one
-Raquel is the red one
-Olivia(Raquel's friend a Baron's daughter) the green one
-Raphael the Prince is on the yellow one


There's been a rumor going around about kidnappings and selling slaves to other kingdoms. Then there's also a rumor saying that people behind it are those who live in the North.

Every bad things that happen in this kingdom they always think that it is connected with the Northerners.

Just because we Northerners often have dangerous abilities they think of us badly. They never know that many of the people protecting this Kingdom are from the North.

I took a glimpse into the girl crying to her friend.

I thought she was different because I definitely know she was the heroine from the book I read from that other world. But no, she's just like the others.

The book beautifies every detail about her. That is why my memories that comes back and the details of the book doesn't match perfectly.

"Y-your highness!" She quickly wiped the tears from her face and stood up to greet the Prince that was standing right in front of her but clumsily she hit her desk and almost fell during that moment

And there the Prince catches her in his arms, she quickly fixes herself up and greeted him properly and apologize for causing him trouble.

"No worries, are you okay?" The prince asked

The girl was a bit embarrassed and could not look at the Prince. Her eyes all puffy from crying she just nods quietly then the Prince looked at her friend beside her. And the friend explained.

The Prince handed the girl a handkerchief to wipe her tears away and the girl paused for a moment but the Prince hold her hand and gave it to her then she gladly accepted it and thank the Prince.

Not far from them Milliana was watching the scene of the two. Without showing any emotions on her face she thought deeply. A familiar feeling came through her she remembered a detail from the book and about the scene she just witnessed.

'The orphans'

the kids that she helped and the reason why Racquel is crying today.

In the book Racquel took care of the kids. She fed them bread that she took from her family's bakery and very friendly with them, then there she met the Prince on the streets. He was in disguise and observing the Capital when he accidentally saw Racquel entered a dark alley. He was worried that something bad would have happen so he followed her but what he found out is that Racquel was giving the Kids bread from her family's bakery.

That was it!

That was one of the reasons why he liked her more. Everything that she does. She does it with kindness in her heart.

Looking outside the window Milliana realized everything.

She took away a chapter of that girl's story.

And the kids should have a better life because after the Prince saw the scene he helped them and there the opening of new orphanage and they even hang out a lot of times when the new orphanage was made. They visit every time to play with the kids and more interactions between the two of them.

Milliana closed her eyes feeling the wind from outside coming in

the cool breeze brushes softly against her face, slightly moving her hair

She felt sorry for taking a chapter away from the girl and changing the lives of the Kids.

In a second a bit sadness was caught in her face but she did not regret her decision. She will just make the Kids she took in happy. When she saw those kids she already made up her mind that she will not ignore them and give them home.

Opening her eyes, she didn't realize that the Prince was already coming towards her.

She composed herself and stood up

With grace she greeted the Prince

"Greetings to Your highness" She bowed

"Greetings Lady Winteira"

He then passes by her and picked up a book at the back near her

Millie sits down quietly and returns her look from outside the window.

After taking a book from the bookshelf at the back of the classroom the Prince looked behind him and looked at Milliana for a while.

He once saw her crying in the garden a few days ago.

He didn't get close and respected her privacy being careful not to make her notice him.

He places a handkerchief in the bushes for her to see to wipe up her tears because he could not hand it to her. He left wondering what made her cry.

Seeing her now all okay. He could not believe that she could cry like that. She was hard to read for emotions lack her face but he knows, he could feel it that she is not like the rumors says.

He saw her with her friends from time to time and know that at least she has people around her where she could be herself. Even so he was concern for her knowing that people are afraid of her.

That emotionless face she has on every time, who knew she could cry like that.

He also did not understand why he finds her crying face pretty. What if she puts on a smile he could not disagree that she would look more beautiful with that.


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