61. The bunny's bazooka

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Huh?! When did I  get here? That mysterious man, I knocked me out and brought me here probably.

Where am I? Great.. another yet again dark room.


D.O: Hi..

Y/n:Gah! W-Where- who's there?!

I said in a panic, I turn my head side to side to know where D.O is, ben though it's pitch black dark in here.

D.O: Chill it's only me D.O.. don't tell me you actually forgotten me.. because if you did, I'll be very sad.

He sounds like a whining kid but why is his voice so full of boredom and bluntness on the tone?

Y/n:W-What are you going to do to me..?

D.O: Whatever master says...

I can already imagine his creepy smile?! For once I'm greatful it's dark.

Y/n:Who is your master?

D.O: I don't know.

That's when I froze. Wait.. he doesn't know him master? His master?! Seriously he doesn't know?!

D.O:Crazy and stupid.. I know...I never knew my master's name. He only gave me a name then he left.

Y/n: Do you have any idea what he might what from me?

D.O: Master doesn't like sharing his plans..so I don't know.

Y/n: Well your master sure is a wacko.

D.O: Yes. Indeed he is.

I froze again. Is this guy for real? Did he just say that his master is wacko indeed. If his master's was Bts I'll be surprised if his still alive, his kinda the type of guy that wouldn't kill his master. His just going to obey his every order, even if his master kill him he'll be proud. his a psycho.

D.O: Your planning to escape now, do you?

He said as he tilted his head to the side.

Y/n: umm...N-No

D.O: That's good.

That's when I headed foot steps walking away. At light suddenly appeared. So he opened the door and left. That guy.... I'll give him a 9 out of 10 for being the most weirdest guy I've ever encountered in my life.

I wonder how everyone is doing? Are Kookie and the others looking for me?

- - -

Bts took a little meeting down their nearest Hideout on the warehouse location.

Jin: Any leads guys?

Yoongi:Yes but, hyung..they moved her to another place. Setting up a warehouse that has many hidden door to palter with us, making us think that Y/n is on the warehouse..

Suga took a deep breath after that and then continued his conclusion.

Yoongi: and her phone...they left it on their meeting room. Letting us thought that Y/n is actually not in the warehouse..making us think either Y/n is in the warehouse or not..

Namjoon:His playing games with us..

Jungkook: It makes me mad. We only have 6 hours before 5 AM.

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