Imagine #3: Loki

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dedicated to: @Christel_of_Midgard

I groaned, clutching my stomach. No matter how many pain killers I took no matter how many times I used my heating pad, the cramps refused to leave. Not to mention the killer migraine that pounded in my head. My hair was a greasy, knotted mess, and I looked horrible. I probably smelled horrible too. I felt too shitty to get out of bed, much less shower.

"Lokiiiii." I moaned, clutching my pillow. "Lokkkkiiii."

"Yes, Y/N?" He called.

"Can you get me my ice cream?" I said, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

"Yes, love."

I groaned again, slamming my face into my tear stained pillow. When Loki arrived with my ice cream and spoon, I sat up slightly, angrily grabbing the carton. I took a bite, beginning to cry. I was so stressed, and I just wanted to feel better. Loki sent me a confused look.

"Y/N, I got you your ice cream... why are you so upset?"

"I just... I just want to feel better!" I sobbed, throwing my hands up i the air. "Stupid cramps, stupid head ache! Nothing works!" I screamed, flopping on the bed.

Loki sat there, completely confused. Loki was never good with dealing with emotions, and my period was no exception.

"Love, whats gotten you so upset? What in Odin's name are you talking about?" He asked, concern laced in his tone.

"My period!!!" I sobbed, tears running down my red cheeks.

"Your... what?" Loki asked, placing a hand on my back. I jumped on him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around my waist, squeezing gently. I groaned in pain, crying in his shoulder. "Love, whats a period?"

"Its horrible." I whispered. "Just hug me."

Loki chuckled sympathetically, kissing my neck.

"Now isn't the time mister." I giggled, blushing. "Just lay with me, please."

"Of course, love. Anything to make my princess better."

"Im sorry for screaming. Its just frustrating." I mumbled.

"You don't have to apologize, Y/N." Loki smiled.

"Alright, alright." I smirked. "I love you, Loki. Thank you."

"I love you too, Y/N."

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