Imagine 39: Howard Stark

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I walked inside the room, my posture tall and professional. I easily spotted the two men I was looking for.

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss. Y/L/N." Dr. Erksine greeted politely. He held my hand, kissing my knuckles. I smiled respectfully, nodding.

I walked toward Howard Stark. "Mr. Stark." I said simply.

Howard took my hand, kissing my knuckles like Erksine. Yet for some reason, this time I blushed.

"I see you've heard of me." He winked, slinging an arm over my shoulders. I looked at his arm, making a "shooing" motion with my hand. Howard got the hint and dropped his arm. I turned to look at the machine that will turn Steve Rogers into the first super soldier. I walked toward the machine when a gun shot startled me. I quickly grabbed my own gun from my thigh-strap, shielding both men behind me. I raised my gun, pointing it in front of me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a figure kneeling down. I shot a few rounds, reloading and stepped forward. I walked toward the figure, grabbing him by the collar.

"Who are you?" I growled, slamming him against the wall. With no reply, I sighed, grabbing my hand-cuffs. I grabbed my communicator, dialing my commander.

"We had a breach." I spoke. "Yes, they're fine. Alright. Thank you."

I turned to see Erksine looking at me knowingly, Howard with his mouth open.

I shrugged. "I'm not a scientist assisting you with Project Rebirth. I'm here to protect you. Can't let anything happen to you boys." I winked.

Erksine laughed, patting my arm. "I knew something was different about you."

I giggled, kissing his cheek. "Originally it was supposed to be kept secret. To ensure protection." I turned behind me to face Howard. "But obviously it didn't do much."


Over time, Howard and Erksine became accompanied with me and grew used to having me around at all times. Howard seemed to flirt with me a lot, but I couldn't complain; I had grown the smallest crush on him.

I had also met Steve Rogers himself, plus Peggy Carter. She was very kind, and it was nice to have another strong female around me sometimes. We talked about boys; mainly Steve and Howard. It was pleasant to bond with her.

Finally, today was the day Steve would undergo his transformation. Peggy was nervous. She had grown to like Steve just as much as I had grown to like Howard.

Soon, Howard and Erksine began the procedure. Peggy looked so upset and nervous.

"Hey..." I whispered. "He'll be fine. Howard-"

Peggy gave me a wink.

"And Erksine, have got this." I finished.

Peggy laughed quietly, looking down. In the blink of an eye, it was finished. Steve stepped out, taller and obviously much more muscular than before. It worked. Peggy and I ran down, cheering with the rest of the room.

I turned to Howard, smiling widely. I pulled him into a hug, grinning widely.

"You guys did it!" I squealed.

He shrugged, a smug smile on his face.

"Oh, c'mon. Give yourself some credit, Stark."

Howard laughed, holding my shoulder.

I turned around, sighing sadly as everyone celebrated. Steve looked down at Peggy happily; I could practically see the love radiating off of the two.

"Well. I suppose this is goodbye." I spoke as I turned back to Howard.

He raised an eyebrow.

"I was only your personal bodyguard for the duration of the project. We needed to protect you so it could be carried out." I paused. "A bit selfish, but that was my job."

Howard leaned in, pulling me toward him by my hips. He paused right in front of my lips, flickering his eyes from my eyes to my mouth.

"It doesn't have to be goodbye." He whispered.

I blushed, my stomach doing flips. "I... uhm, no, it doesn't. You're right." I whispered.

Howard chuckled at my nerves, kissing my lips softly. I hummed happily, wrapping one arm around his neck, the other gripping his shirt collar. I pulled him toward, smiling against his lips as he laughed in surprise.

"Yeah. This is definitely not goodbye." Howard laughed.

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