Imagine #6: Bucky&Loki

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For SpiderGirl24!

As annoying as it was, it wasn't abnormal for me to wake up to Loki and Bucky fighting. For some reason, unknown to me, they absolutely hated each other. They used to get along pretty well. Now, all they do is fight.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbing some cereal to eat. Bucky sat next to me, earning him a glare from Loki. I raised an eyebrow at them, sighing.

"What are you two fighting about today?" I asked, taking a bite of my cereal.

"Same thing it is every day." Bucky muttered. I sighed.

"Which is?"

They both stayed silent. I shrugged, finishing my meal. As I stood, Loki and Bucky rushed towards me, both grabbing an arm.

"Y/N, I-" They said simultaneously. I laughed, wiggling my arms out of their strong grasps. They glared at each other.

"Y/N, I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner with me." Loki said quickly.

"Or." Bucky interjected. "You go to dinner with me."

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Or, I could go with both of you. One tonight, one tomorrow night?" I offered.

They groaned, but nodded nonetheless.

"I'll write your names in a hat and pick randomly." I informed them, walking off to grab a hat, and paper. I closed my eyes, grabbing the first paper I felt. I opened it, smiling softly as I read,


Loki smiled triumphantly, while Bucky glared hatefully, walking off angrily. I sighed, smiling as I looked back at Loki.

"Well, what did you have planned?" I giggled.

Loki smirked gently, walking towards me. "You'll see. Just dress your best, which shouldn't be hard." He winked, placing a kiss on my cheek. I blushed, looking down.

"Surprises, huh?" I teased. "Alright, well, I'll go get dressed."

He nodded, watching as I walked off to my room. I quickly curled my Y/H/C hair, applying a little bit of gold and brown makeup. I picked out my black maxi dress with a slit, something I had been saving for a special occasion. This was the first date I had been in for quite a while, so i didn't really get too dressed up often. I finished off the look with black pumps, smiling proudly in the mirror. About an hour later, I walked out into the living room. There, on the couch, sat Bucky, Loki, Tony and Natasha. Nat saw me, standing and rushing over to me.

"Oh my god, you look gorgeous!" She squealed, hugging me tightly. I smiled, laughing lightly.


Loki stood, gaping at me. He was dressed in a black tux, with a green bow tie. "Y/N, you look beautiful."

I blushed, smiling widely.
"Thank you. You look really handsome." I said honestly, my voice small. He blushed, kissing my cheek.

Soon, we had left after a little bit of small talk. Loki and I walked down to the beach. As we got closer, I noticed there were little lights hanging from something. Loki looked to me, smiling lightly.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

I smiled widely, unable to take my eyes away from the scene in front of me; there on the beach was a little table with a canopy hung around it, fairy lights strung around the entirety of it. Loki lightly held my hand, leading me to the table. He held my chair out for me, letting me sit before he sat himself. The rest of the night, we talked, laughed and we even danced. Once I realized it was one o'clock, I decided we should pack up and head home. 

Avengers+Loki,Bucky one shot bookWhere stories live. Discover now