Imagine #11: Thor

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I slung my beach bag over my shoulder, turning to face my boyfriend.

"Thor." I groaned as he played with his swim trunks. "C'mon, it's hot and I want to leave."

He looked up, smiling shyly. "Sorry."

I cracked a smile, giggling quietly. "It's alright. Can we leave?"

Thor nodded, walking toward me. He held my hips, placing a short kiss on my lips. I smiled, holding his hand as we walked to the beach. Thankfully, I only lived a short way away from the beach, so I went really often. Today, the weather was unforgivably hot.

We walked in silence, looking around the city peacefully. Before long, we arrived at the sandy entrance. I smiled up at Thor, squinting my eyes due to the sun. I flipped my sunglasses down, chuckling as Thor struggled to do the same. I stood on my tip-toes, helping him pull them down.

"Ready to go swim, and tan, and build sandcastles?"

"Why would we build castles of sand?" He asked. "It doesn't seem very reasonable."

"They're just little, Thor. Not to live in or anything."

He nodded knowingly, walking down the hot sand with me.

"And you don't seem like you need to tan, so we can start off with swimming." I laughed, kicking off my sandals and running to the ocean. I squealed with happiness as the cold water splashed against my legs. I turned around, waving Thor over. He laughed, sprinting toward me. In one swift movement, he had picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.

"Thor!" I yelled playfully, hitting his back in protest. Thor laughed loudly, walking deeper into the ocean. Soon, he was about belly-button deep. "Thor, if you drop me, I don't think I'll be able to stand." I muttered, grasping his back tightly.

"I'll hold you, Y/N." He laughed, dropping me quickly, but no quicker grabbing my waist. I let my toes stretch, trying to find the bottom. I felt it only slightly, giving Thor a look that told him if he dropped me, he was in big trouble.

"Take us back to shore, so I can stand." I smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck, my legs around waist. I pulled myself onto his back, holding myself up. Thor trudged through the cold, salty water, setting me down when it was shallow enough. I stood, stretching my back. Cupping water in my hands, I threw it at Thor, giggling slightly as I ran away. Cold water hit my neck, causing me to gasp.

"This is war!" I proclaimed, using all my power to splash Thor. After our little water-war, I was a little tired. I decided we head back to the sand, and build sand-castles. "Ok, so all you need to do is use the sand to build a castle. I brought shovels and tins so you can mold them into shapes and whatnot. Make sense?"

"Seem's simple enough." Thor said proudly. He grabbed one of the shovels, digging up some sand. I used the second shovel I brought, mimicking his actions. "Y/N, why are the children doing the same as us?"

"Well, its typically something kids do at the beach, but me and my friends still do it a lot. Don't worry." I giggled, blushing in embarrassment.

I quickly finished my castle, having a lot of experience. With shells and seaweed as decoration, I was quite proud of my creation. I finished it off with a moat around the entirety of it, standing proudly, wiping my sandy hands on my thighs.

"Beat that!" I demanded, pointing at my sand-castle. Thor's large frame hid me from his work, but I was sure mine was better. Thor stood suddenly, turning toward me.

"I believe I have." He smirked, winking flirtatiously.

"Well." I started, getting a good look at it. "It's very good for your first-ever sand-castle. But you could have added more decor, something to give it some flare."

Thor frowned slightly, nodding.

"Aw, I'm still proud of you baby." I cooed, wrapping my still-wet arms around him. I placed a sweet kiss on his cheek, smiling widely. "How about we get some poptarts as your prize, hm?"

Thor's eyes lit up as he nodded frantically. With a laugh and one last kiss, we were off.

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