Imagine 13: Bruce

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I looked in the mirror, giving myself one last thought.

"You look fine, Y/N. Stop worrying."

I had a date with someone I had met at work. He was the newest employee and we seemed to get along extremely well. After a few weeks of talking, he asked me on a date. I complied, not seeing any problem with giving him a shot. I wore a maroon t-shirt dress and black sandals, slinging my black purse over my shoulder. It didn't take me long to drive to the diner he had chosen we go to, as it was very local. I sat in a booth, waiting.

Hey, I'm at the diner. You leaving yet? ~y/n

I sent the text, tapping my fingers on the wooden table.

"Are you ready to order?"

I sighed, looking toward the waitress. "No, not yet. I'm waiting for someone." I smiled politely, looking back down at my menu. As time went by, I became more and more irritated. I stood up, biting my lip as I received sympathetic glances from the workers. In a frustrated haze, I ran straight into someone on my way out. I looked up, embarrassed, ready to apologize.

"Sorry!" I squealed, blushing. I looked up, blushing even more as I stare right at a very handsome face.

"Don't worry about." He said sheepishly, waving his around.

I sighed, brushing my hand through my hair. "Sorry, it's a been a rough night, my... sorry, nevermind, you don't want to hear this." I laughed nervously.

"No, no, it's fine." He smiled.

"No, my, uhm... my date stood me up." I sighed.

He smiled sympathetically, holding his hand out. "Thats rough. Well, uhm, I'm Bruce."

I smiled, shaking his hand. "Y/N. Since I haven't eaten, we could uhm... if you'd like, we could get a drink or something." I mumbled, feeling embarrassed as the heat rose to my cheeks.

Bruce smiled, nodding his head as he held open the diner's door. We quickly ordered our drinks, becoming lost in each others stares.

"So, this date of yours?" Bruce chuckled, taking a sip of his chamomile tea.

I laughed, rolling my eyes. "Jeez. His name is Aaron. We met through work. We had a lot in common, and he invited me to dinner. Guess he had better plans." I paused, looking around, then back at Bruce. "What about you? Any special lady at home?"

Bruce laughed quietly, taking his focus on his lap. "No, no. There hasn't been one for a while."

I smiled, blushing a little. "There hasn't been one for me for while, either. Maybe thats why my date failed." I joked, biting my lip nervously.

After the short awkward silence, we continued talking easily.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we're closing in two minutes." The hostess informed us.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize it got so late." I apologized. I stood, grabbing my purse. I looked to Bruce, smiling shyly. We walked out together, standing in the cool summer air, as we couldn't seem to part.

"I had a really nice time, as cheesy and unoriginal as that sounds." I laughed.

"Don't worry." He laughed. "I agree."

"Would you like my phone number, so we can do this again? Unless you're gonna stand me up, like Aaron." I teased, brushing my bangs out of my eyes.

"No, I would never." Bruce smiled, placing a cold hand on my cheek. He placed my stray hair behind my ear, pulling out his phone. I quickly placed my number in his phone, and with a little burst of courage, kissed the corner of his lips, smiling sweetly as I walked to my car. My shoulders felt lighter, a bounce in my step, and I easily fell asleep with a smile of my face as my thoughts swirled around one man.

And it certainly wasn't Aaron.

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