Imagine 33: Steve

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A/N: sorry i'm totally on a steve spam at the moment; but i literally love steve so how could i not? this includes all of the avengers, though, so that has to count for something. 

I walked onto the beach, my bag slung over my shoulder. I struggled to walk in the sand, stumbling a few times like the rest of us. I turned to Nat, smiling lightly. She was carrying her own beach bag, plus a volleyball. Tony, after I forced him, carried a towel for himself and a fold-able volleyball net. After we all agreed on a spot to lay our towels down on, I helped set up the net with Thor. I grabbed the volleyball, standing next to Nat.

"To be fair that Natasha and I don't crush all of you, we'll both be captains." I smirked, nudging her side. "Nat, you pick first." 

It didn't even take her a second to pick Clint. Everyone rolled their eyes, though they expected it.

"Steve." I picked effortlessly. He was my crush, and I knew he could help me win. Steve smiled thankfully, standing next to me as we continued picking our teams. 

In a few minutes, the teams were settled. Bruce opted to sit out. He said it was because 'the teams would be uneven', but we all knew he'd rather read and relax. 

Natasha had picked Clint and Thor, and I had picked Steve and Tony, much to Steve's dismay. Now, I held the ball in my hand, ready to serve. I hit it, watching as it flew over the net. Clint bumped it over to Thor, who sent it back over the net. It soared toward Steve, who jumped and spiked it over. I cheered, high-fiving him. Natasha threw it back to Steve, who was now ready to serve. I watched as he served, my eyes drifting down to his chest. I didn't realize that the ball had come back over the net; Thor had spiked it, and I wasn't paying attention. I felt my cheek sting before I fell onto the sand. Someone rushed to my side, kneeling next to me.


I tried sitting up before black spots made their way into my sight. I fell back onto the warm sand, sighing. 

"Can you stand?" Steve asked me. 

"I don't think so. I'm dizzy." I muttered, squeezing my eyes shut. 

"C'mon, I'll carry you back to the house."

"Steve, it's fine, I-"

"I'm carrying you back, Y/N." He demanded in a light tone. "And that's an order." 

I chuckled, nodding my head. I felt him scoop me up, and I hated myself for blushing. Soon enough, we were back at Tony's beach house. Steve set me down on a stool in the kitchen, pulling up another in front of me. 

"How come you didn't bump the ball back? I thought you played in high school."

"I did. Guess I'm a bit rusty." I chuckled. There was no way in hell I was letting him know I was staring at him.

"I saw you staring at me." Steve admitted, a small smile on his face along with a blush on his cheeks.


"Oh, uh... yeah." I muttered. I stood quickly, making up an excuse to leave. "I'm gonna... shower."

"Y/N, wait." He called after me. I shut my door just in time, sighing quietly and slipping down to the floor. Why did my life have to be so embarrassing?

"Y/N, are you alright?" Steve whispered through the door.

"Fine. You can leave." I said, not even lifting my head. I heard him sigh and walk away, nodding shortly to myself. I stood, heading into the shower. I took a warm shower, washing all the sand off my body. As I had finished and dried off, I heard the whole group walk inside. They certainly weren't a quiet bunch. 

"Y/N?" Natasha called out. I opened my door a crack, yelling back.

"In my room!" 

I heard her bid them goodbye and rush upstairs, still in her bathing suit. 

"You alright?"

"I'm not hurt, if that's what you mean.  But I'm embarrassed."

"Roger's caught 'ya staring?" She smirked. I groaned, letting her inside so nobody heard us. 

"It's not funny, Nat." I retorted halfheartedly. I fell back on my bed, sprawling myself out. 

"You know he thinks you're cute, right?" Natasha told me, laying next to me.

"So does every other guy on this team. What difference does it make?"

"You'll have to ask him yourself." 

"Nat, you're making no sense. I'm getting some food." I stood, padding into the kitchen. I searched in the fridge, turning around to scold Tony for having nothing good. "Tony, you-" 

I paused as Steve entered, blushing. 

"Have you seen Tony?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence. 

His expression dropped, shaking his head. "No."

"Oh, alright. I'll go find him." 

As I walked by him, Steve grasped my arm. 

"You feel any better?" He asked. 

"I'm fine." I lied, faking a cheery voice, when inside, I felt awkward and stupid. 

"No you aren't." He pressed. "Are you... embarrassed? Because I caught you staring?"

I sighed. "Yes, Steve, can you drop it?" 

He chuckled, turning me around. "I was staring at you, too."

"Steve, I- wait, you what?"

"I was staring at you too." He repeated. "It's hard not to."

We both blushed before I smiled softly. "Thanks. You aren't that hard to look at either, but I think we already established that."

"Sorry for making you feel embarrassed." Steve smiled. I didn't realize it then, but he had started to shift his body closer to mine.

"It's fine. Glad to know Nat was right." 

Steve raised an eyebrow. "About what?"

"Oh, sorry, uh, she just told me you thought I was cute." I rushed out, blushing. 

"She told me the same." 

I mock-glared at him, chuckling shyly. I stood there in silence, unable to think of anything else to say. Thankfully, Steve took this silence to lean in and shortly press his lips against mine. Someone snickered from behind us, causing Steve to quickly break away. I turned around, his arms still wrapped around me, glaring at none other than Tony. 

I subtly flipped him off, raising my eye-brows threateningly. He got the idea, backing away with his hands raised in surrender. I turned back to Steve, smiling and scrunching my nose up as he pecked it.

"Thanks for getting rid of him." 

"Not a problem." I whispered, leaning in for another kiss. 

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