Imagine 8: Tony

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A/N: there's quite a bit of swearing in this one

I dropped my keys on the tiny metal plate, walking into the main living space.

"Tony?" I called out, searching for my boyfriend of four months. I searched in lab first, assuming that was where he would be. With no avail, I decided to look elsewhere. As I opened his room, JARVIS spoke,

"Miss. Y/N, I wouldn't advise-"

He began, but the rest of a sentence was falling on deaf ears as I gasped at the sight before me. I should have listened. 

You can all assume what I walked in on- Tony cheating on me.

I gasped, tears immediatly prickling in the corners of my eyes. I choked, letting out a loud sob. Tony quickly turned around, his eyes wide. I stormed out of the room, rushing to my room. I began packing my things, a million thoughts racing through my head. 

"Y/N." I heard. I refused to turn around, simply continuing to quickly pack my things, wanting to leave as soon as possible. I felt a hand on my shoulder, instantly turning around and swinging my hand. The burning on my palm stung, but it had felt good to slap him. He deserved it. Tony moved jaw, stumbling a bit, obviously hurt by my slap. I turned around, packing up the rest of the things I could fit in my two suitcases. 

"I'll come by tomorrow to get the rest of my things." I spoke sternly, looking straight ahead as I walked out. I saw the girl I assumed he cheated with. As much as I wanted to say something, I kept silent. As I opened the door to leave, Tony spoke again. 

"Y/N, wait." He called out, his words slurring slightly. I raised an eyebrow to myself, and would have questioned it further it I wasn't so angry. "Y/N, let me talk to you."

"No." I said simply. I was full with dry anger- too inexplicably anger to even yell. I was boiling inside. 

"Y/N, really? Just stop for a damn second!" Tony exclaimed. 

I growled in the back of throat, throwing my suitcases in my car roughly. I flipped around, grabbing Tony by his collar, pushing him against the car.

"Listen, you asshole." I hissed. "I am not going to stop. I am going to leave, because you fucking cheated on me. You don't get to explain anything, you don't get to reason with me. You fucked this up, so we're through. Don't call me."

Is what I had said, releasing all my anger, or so I thought. With that, I sped off, crashing at a friends. Within, I got a job, an apartment, and a baby bump.

I was pissed.

Beyond pissed.

That fucking cheat got me pregnant. Of course, there was always the choice of adoption or abortion, but a part of me wanted the baby. Before, I had wanted a child with Tony. 

So, I kept the baby. My mom was helpful throughout the pregnancy, and within 9 months and 3 weeks, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She was healthy, well behaved, but every day reminded me of Tony. 

I sighed, looking toward Vera. She giggled, slamming her hands down. Now, at a year old, she was growing into her personality; again, something that reminded me of Tony. She was smart, witty, mischievous and playful. My mom always thought I should tell Tony; but even if I did, and even if he cared, I doubt I'd be willing to get together with him again. He cheated. He fucking cheated on me. 

"M-Mumma!" She squealed. I chuckled, turning to her.

"Yes, precious?"

"Hugs!" Vera demanded, throwing her arms out wide. I smiled, rolling my eyes.

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