Imagine 57: Bucky

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A/N: dedicated to @superwholockfurry thank you so much for reading and commenting, they make my day <3

When Bucky told me he had to go on another mission, I wanted to be happy for him, I really did; but how could I? This was the third time this month Bucky needed to go on a mission, and I was getting worried.

"What if one of these days you don't come back, James?" I sniffled quietly, trying my absolute hardest not to cry. Bucky sighed, pulling me into his arms.

"Hey, hey... c'mon, doll, I'll come back. I promise you." He hushed me, keeping me close to his body. I whimpered, clutching his arms. After composing myself, I asked the same dreaded question I had to every time.

"How long?" I mumbled, biting my lip in anticipation.

Bucky sighed, stroking my hair. "One month."

I broke down, unable to even stand on my feet. I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my red cheeks. Bucky scooped me up, holding me to his chest. In honesty, the pain he felt now, as I cried, was a million times worse than when he had fallen off that train. For Bucky, seeing my cry was something he never wanted. Yet here I was.

Now, tears of his own began blur his sight, but he quickly wiped them away.

"Hey, listen. I swear to you I'll come back." Bucky paused, sighing at my frail body that was so desperately clutching to his shoulders.

Once I sniffled again and looked up, he continued.

"Because I love you so much, doll, I really do."

This made me smile softly, leaning against Bucky's chest as my cries diminished.

"I know. I love you just as much." I admitted, drawing light circles on my boyfriend's bicep.


That was seven months ago. Now, I sat at my table, swirling my cold coffee around with a spoon. Tears dared to spill out, but that had been normal for the past six months. When Steve showed up at my door, crying, I knew immediately Bucky was either dead or missing. Thankfully, it wasn't the latter. Steve had informed me Bucky was missing. Natasha and the other Agent's returned home perfectly safe, while my boyfriend was out missing; possibly captured by HYDRA. And this only added my depressed state.

I had asked Steve to come over today. I was really upset and I know he was too; of course, Mr. America just wouldn't show it. Steve easily complied and informed me he was on his way. A knock sounded at my door, causing me to stand open it. I smiled at my good friend, pulling him into a hug.

"Come on in, you can have coffee or whatever you want. You know where it is." I chuckled half-heartedly, grabbing my own mug of coffee and sipping it.

Steve smiled and lightly patted my back, walking into the kitchen. "What did you have planned for us?"

"Nothing, actually." I admitted meekly. "I just needed some company, and... I know you do too."

Steve smiled sadly, grabbing a water bottle from my fridge. We sat together on my couch in silence, lost in our thoughts.

"Steve...?" I whispered, staring straight ahead, my eyes emotionless. "Do you think he's gonna come home?"

Steve sighed, draping an arm around me for comfort. "I don't know. We can only hope, for now."

I sighed to myself; though it wasn't the answer I wanted, I knew it was the truth. Finally, I let out a breath, tears falling down my cheeks.

"It's not fair." I cried softly. "He's a good guy. Bucky doesn't deserve this, he deserve's to be happy."

I looked to Steve with teary, pleading eyes. Steve was crying too; and I didn't blame him.

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