Imagine 66: Bruce

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"Where's the... god dammit." A voice muttered from the other side of the room.

I looked up with a smile, chuckling softly. "Looking for something, Dr.Banner?"

Bruce jumped slightly, turning to look at me. "O-Oh, yeah." He chuckled. "Sorry, you are?"

"Mr.Stark hired me, I have an article to write about for my job." I grinned proudly, shifting slightly. "Sorry if I startled you."

Bruce smiled and chuckled again. "Tony never tells me these things."

I laughed, looking down at my notebook. Along with many notes about lab notes, there was a doodle of Dr.Banner. I shyly turned the page, fully aware my little drawing was a bit... weird.

"What was your name?" Bruce spoke up.

"Oh- Y/N." I smiled softly. "Nice to meet you."

Bruce walked over and held his out, my eyes quickly scanning him up and down.

I shook his hand with a smile, blushing slightly. He opened his mouth slightly, a blush creeping on his cheeks.

"Do you wa-"

My phone interrupted him, buzzing in my pocket.

"Sorry." I apologized meekly, answering my phone.

"Hey, how's work goin'?" One of my best friends, and co-worker, spoke, her voice slightly electronic through the phone.

I smiled slightly. "Just fine."

"We up for lunch?" She asked.

I smiled shortly up at Bruce with a little smirk. "Can I bring a friend?"

Bruce chuckled and blushed, watching me intently.

My friend cooed, most likely smirking. "A male friend? Yes!"

I laughed, bidding her goodbye. With a confident grin, I turned to Bruce. "How's lunch sound?"

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