Imagine #4: Steve Rogers

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A/N: This one is going to be a little long!

I was done. I was done trying to continue the friendship with Steve. He was completely oblivious to my feelings for him; that, or, he didn't acknowledge them. Either way, to continue to act like I didn't have feelings for him would be hell. I decided to just slowly ignore him, and end the friendship.

It wasn't working too well. We were currently on a mission together, trying to pick up an artifact at HYRDRA head quarters.

"I was thinking we could go in the north entrance. Go in through the roof, catch them off guard."

"Sounds fine." I mumbled, trying to talk as little as possible. 

Steve sent me a confused look, but stood nonetheless, climbing the side of the building. I followed, stretching as I stepped on the roof. As I took a few steps, I heard something cracking, and before I could move out of the way, the roof underneath my feet broke, sending me into the building. I screamed, falling with a thud. Some concrete fell on me, but did minimal damage. Steve quickly jumped down, helping me fight off the Agents. 

"Guess we have a change of plans?" Steve said, joking around lightly as he normally would. I mumbled a 'yes', continuing to shoot off the enemy. When we were finished with this corridor, we ran up the stairs. 

"You find the artifact, I'll fight them off."

I nodded, running into multiple rooms. I finally found the artifact, running into the room to grab it. Before my hands could wrap around it, I was grabbed my waist, roughly thrown to the ground. I looked up, face to face with the Winter Soldier. I groaned, kicking him in the stomach. It did almost to nothing. He stumbled back a bit, giving me time to grab the artifact and run. I was almost out the door when I was grabbed again, slammed against the wall. I screamed in pain, falling down. He began to kick me, but I wasn't giving up. I held my arms up in order to lessen the hits. I rolled, quickly standing, kicking his shins. He fell, and I ran. 

"Steve!!" I yelled. "Steve, I have the artifact, lets go!"

I began frantically searching for him, until I ran into a strong figure. I looked up to see Steve. 

"We have to go." I breathed heavily. "The Winter Soldier is here."

Steves face dropped. 

"Steve, no." I said sternly, fully aware of his intentions. "We have to go."

Steve smiled sadly at me, pushing past me. 

"Steve!!" I screamed. I sighed, running after him. Suddenly, Steve stopped, facing into a room. 

"Steve, no." I whispered. 

Despite my efforts, he walked in. "Bucky..." He whispered. The Winter Soldier whipped around, glaring. 

"Bucky, its me, Steve."

The Winter Soldier walked toward Steve. Steve backed up, hitting the wall.

Steve and I are going to die if we don't leave now. I thought to myself. 

I quickly grabbed Steve, pulling him away. Instead of Steves face, the Winter Soldier punched the wall.

"Please, Bucky, its me, Steve." Steve pleaded. I sighed angrily. I couldn't leave him, but I didn't particularly want to stay. 

I watched as Steve and Bucky fought, standing off to the side. I knew if I dared tried to step in, Steve would give me hell for it. That is, if we lived through this. 

"Y/N." I heard. I turned around, staring at Steve. I looked down, Bucky laying at his feet, unconscious. "I'm going to call Fury... maybe they can fix him." He whispered. I curtly nodded, pissed. I walked out, waiting outside. Soon, a helicopter came, picking the three of us. I ignored Steve, and now I finally had a good reason for it. 


Steve had brought Bucky back in hopes they could 'fix him'. I hadn't spoken to Steve, and I didn't plan to. I sighed, walking out of my room to get some dinner. Of course, who do I run in to?


"Sorry." I muttered, pushing by him. He lightly grabbed my arm, spinning me around.

"Listen, I wanted to say sorry for earlier."

I nodded, wiggling out of his grip, walking away.

"Y/N." He said. "Y/N, are you mad at me?"

I huffed, angrily turning around. "Yes, Steve, I am furious with you!" I growled. "You endangered both of our lives for him! We had the artifact and you couldn't help but try and fix him! You could've died!!"

Steve swallowed, nodding. "I know, and I'm-"

"No matter how many times you apologize, I won't forgive you. That's not the only problem I have with you." I said, words coming out too quickly. I blushed, realizing what I said.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"Nothing." I mumbled, trying to walk away. Steve was persistant, holding my arm. 

"What do you mean, Y/N?" 

"Nothing!" I screamed, breaking down. Tears spilled down my face. "You're just a stupid idiot and I love you, but you're too oblivious to notice my stupid feelings!!"

Steve raised an eyebrow. "You... you what?" 

I sighed, wiping the tears off my cheeks. "I love you." I muttered, smiling pathetically. 

He smiled, cupping my face with his hand. He leaned in, pressing his lips to mine. I gasped, wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled against my lips, towering over me while I was pressed up against the wall. I slowly pulled away, smiling widely.

"Well, uhm... I guess you like me too?"

"Not like." He whispered. "Love. And I really am sorry. I shouldn't have gone off mission, but I just heard you mention him, and I... I-"

"I know, Steve. Its alright. I understand." I smiled, kissing him again. 

Oh, I could get used to this. 

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