Imagine 40: Tony

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A/N: dedicated to sabrinademelo who is currently injured! get well soon xx

I looked down at the abundance of boxes, telling myself I could easily manage to take them at all once. Two trips just wasn't an option. So, I grabbed everything, beginning my way to Tony's lab. Of course, I couldn't see over the boxes, so when I tripped, I wasn't surprised. 

"Hey, Tony, I ha- agh!" I yelled, tripping over my own foot and rolling my ankle in the process. As I fell, I snapped a bone in my leg. I screamed in pain and agony, dropping the boxes and sobbing loudly as I clutched both of my legs. I brought both of my knees to my chest, crying uncontrollably. Did I mention I didn't take pain well?

Tony rushed over to me, trying not to laugh. The sight in front of him was funny; but he knew better and scooped me in his arms. 

"What did you do, baby?" He mumbled. I let out a choked sob as Tony walked outside to his car. He set me inside, buckling me as I continued to cry softly. Before strapping himself in, he leaned over and pecked my forehead. I bit my lip and tried not to cry; I was embarrassed. I had never really cried in front of Tony.

But as Tony reached over and took my hand in his and squeezed, I couldn't help but smile. Soon, we arrived to the nearest hospital. Tony helped me out, carrying me to the ER. 

"You can grab a wheelchair for her." One of the nurses instructed Tony. Tony nodded, setting me in a wheelchair, wheeling me up to the check-in desk. 

The nurse, an older woman, smiled softly. She must have seen my red eyes and tear-stained cheeks, because she then proceeded to give Tony a knowing look.  

"What happened, dear?" 

I sighed. My face barely reached the top of the counter. "I fell down the stairs. My calf really hurts, and so does my ankle." I explained, looking down at my lap. Tony reached behind me, laying a hand on my back, rubbing small circles. I looked up at him a small smile.

"Alrighy, dear..." She paused, grabbing something. "Fill out this form, and when your done, come hand it to me."

I nodded thankfully, watching as she handed a clip-board and pen to Tony, which he then proceeded to hand to me. I filled out the form as normal, sometimes looking up at Tony to smile. When I finished, Tony handed it in for me. It was about ten more minutes until a doctor actually saw me.

The doctor put my one leg in a cast; it was broken. The other ankle was simply wrapped.

"You should try and stay in bed for most of the day. You can go on wheelchair, but other than that, I'd prescribe some rest. Once that ankle heals in about a week or so, you can use crutches." He turned to Tony. "And hopefully you'll be around to help her."

Tony nodded, chuckling. "I will. Gotta make sure she doesn't hurt herself any more."

I laughed a bit, nudging him. "Thank you, Doctor."

"Not a problem, Y/N. Have a good rest of the day. Be careful."

Tony wheeled me back to the counter. He took out his wallet, flipping through cash to pay for the visit and treatment.

"Tony, no." I mumbled, grabbing his wrists to the best of my mobility. 

Tony smiled softly, slipping his wrists out of my hands. "I got it, honey." He whispered, handing the older nurse the needed amount. 

I sent him a playful glare. The nurse chuckled, waving goodbye to me as we were wheeled out.


I sat on the couch, my legs elevated by pillows. I absolutely hated being on bed rest. Tony, like the sweetheart he really is, didn't mind taking care of me. So, when I groaned out in frustration, he was by my side in a second. 

"Whatcha need, baby?" He cooed, sitting by my head. I lifted myself slightly, resting me head on his lap.

"I hate this."

"I know, sweetheart. It'll be over soon."

"The doctor said a month at the least, Tony." I paused, flickering my eyes up at him. "That isn't soon."

"Y/N." Tony said, he voice sarcastically stern. 

"I know, sorry. I just really, really hate this."


"A lot."

Tony chuckled, bending down to kiss my lips.

"Whatever you say, gorgeous."

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