Imagine 16: Steve

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A/N: this takes place with pre-serum Steve

I walked hand in hand with my boyfriend, Steve. We were heading to our favorite diner, where we first met. It was cheesy but I loved it, and with Bucky away at Army camp, Steve needed the company. I felt terrible; all Steve ever wanted was to join the Army, and sadly, his body wasn't programmed to be that active.

"So, Y/N, I was thinking after dinner we could catch a movie?" Steve murmured, looking to me.

"Of course, Stevie." I smiled, kissing his cheek. Steve blushed, smiling softly as I squeezed his hand. We arrived at the diner soon after, walking down to our normal booth, only to find it was taken. Steve's expression dropped, quickly turning into one of anger.

"Can I help you?" One of the kids at the table asked, his eyes falling on me. Steve growled in the back of his throat.

"Hey, its the shrimp!" The kid exclaimed, laughing along with his friends. Steve stepped up, ready to fight a battle I knew he'd loose. I held his forearm lightly.

"Steve, it's alright. We can find another booth." I murmured. "Lets go." I smiled contently as Steve followed me, my face going red with anger as I felt a hand on my rear. I swiveled around, swinging my fist. The kid held his cheek, moaning in pain.

"Does anyone else need a punch?" I squealed, my voice harsh and irritated. Everyone backed down, scooching away from me.

"And while I'm at it..." I paused, leaning in close to the kid who made fun of Steve. "If you ever insult my boyfriend again, I will find you and a make a bigger fool out you than you already have. He's a better man than you'll ever be, that goes for all of you." I growled, walking off with an angry huff. Steve followed, holding my hand lightly as I shoved open the door, leaving the diner.

"Y/N, are you alright?"

I stopped walking, facing Steve. I held both of his hands, looking in his ocean blue eyes. "I'm alright Stevie, I'm sorry for getting so angry."

"Don't apologize, Y/N. I wish I could've done something to those bullies."

"It's alright, Stevie."

"Y/N, this is why I want to join the Army, I know if I get trained enough, I can-"

"Steven." I interrupted. "We've been through this. I know you want to, but I can't bear to see you leave me, especially after Bucky leaving."

"Thats not why you two won't let me go." He mumbled.

"Steve, please don't."

"Y/N, I've been offered a deal." He blurted. "Howard Stark can make me strong. It's called the super-soldier serum."

I raised an eyebrow. "How did you meet him, Steven?"

Steve sighed, hanging his head. "Earlier this month I got into the academy. I was chosen as the candidate."

"And you didn't think to tell me?" I asked, getting upset. "Steve, you need to tell me these things! What if you had gotten hurt?!"

"I can take care of myself!" He exclaimed, letting go of my hand.

Tears prickled at the corner of my eyes. "Is this what you want, Steve? To possibly die? The serum could kill you. And if not that, you could get killed in the War. And I don't want that." My voice had lowered now, quivering and tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Y/N, I know that... I.... you know why I want to do this."

I let out sob, nodding my head. "I know, I know. I just worry 'cause I love you, Stevie."

Frail arms wrapped around my waist, soft kisses placed on my face. Slowly, he pulled away, kissing my lips softly. He wrapped an arm around my waist, linking it with my hand.

"Let's go home, darling."

A/N: Tell me guys if you want a part two!! I'd love to make a second part. This is just an idea I had before I fell asleep.


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