Imagine #9: Steve

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A/N: This one is short but very feely. Just a fluffy filler until I have better ideas.

I woke up to the sound of my boyfriend murmuring quietly. I peeked my eyes open, giggling as he smiled sweetly at me. 

"Babe, stop poking me." I whispered. 

Steve chuckled, scooting closer to me. "Good morning, sweet heart."

"Good morning, Steve."

Steve smiled lovingly, brushing a strand of my hair away from my eyes. "What are your plans for the day?"

I sat up slowly, shrugging. I placed a cool hand on his cheek, stroking his face with my thumb. "Nothing. We should have a movie day and just relax today." I suggested. Steve sat up with me, wrapping a strong arm around me.

"That sounds wonderful, Y/N."

I smiled, swinging my legs over the bed. I slipped on my slippers, walking over to Steve's side of the bed.

"I'll make breakfast." I smiled, kissing his cheek. I walked into the kitchen, grabbing my needed ingredients. I was craving pancakes with strawberries, so that's exactly what I decided to make. I heated up the stove, mixing the dry mix with water. I began spooning some of the batter into the pan, playing some music from my phone.

"I think I've had enough, I might get a little drunk. I say whats on my mind, I might do a little time. Cause all of my kindness, is taken for weakness. Now I'm four, five seconds from wildin', and we got three more days till Friday."

I sang, swaying my hips to the soft beat. I felt a pair of strong, warm arms wrap around my stomach. I smiled as Steve lightly pecked my neck, humming the tune in my ear. I giggled as his hot breath him my ear.

"I'm making pancakes." I whispered, flipping the one currently in the pan.

"Mmm." Steve murmured, squeezing my stomach softly. I smiled, leaning my head into his chest.

"I love you." I cooed. "But I need full mobility, and your super-soldier arms aren't helping." I teased. Steve blushed, pulling away reluctantly. I giggled, finishing the pancakes. I cut up some strawberries, scattering them across each of pancakes. I grabbed the can of whipped-cream, being awfully generous for Steve's portion. As a super-soldier, he needed much larger portions to feel full. I set the plates down, sitting across from Steve at our dining table.

We ate quietly, taking in each others presence. We looked up occasionally, smiling softly and looking back down to finish our meals. Once we were finished eating, Steve insisted to do the dishes. I let him, knowing it was just his caring personality shining through. I walked into our living room as he started the dishes, kneeling in front of the TV. I sifted through our collection of movies. I looked for one we haven't watched yet, deciding on the new horror movie, Annabelle. Steve loved scary movies, although only the ghost-y ones. Other types would sometimes trigger panic attacks from when he was in the army, so I steered clear from those types. I wasn't particularly in love with them, but I always had my super-soldier to protect me. I inserted the movie, cuddling up on the side of our plush couch.

"Stevieee." I whined, patting the spot next to me obnoxiously. I heard him chuckle, padding into the living room.

"What movie have you picked this time?" He smiled, allowing me to drape myself over him, placing a kiss to his lips.

"Annabelle, the horror movie." I smirked softly.

Steve smiled happily, copying my kiss. I held his neck, pressing him against me. He laughed against my lips, trailing soft kisses down my neck. I let out an airy breath, pulling away much to my despair.

"Alright, we should probably start this movie before it's over. As much as I'd love to make out with you, I also want to watch this movie." I paused, leaning up to his ear. "And there's always more time for that sort of thing, anyway."

He blushed, pinching my arm teasingly. We laughed, turning our attention to the screen. As the movie began, our focus was now not on each-other, but on the movie. The entirety of the movie was filled with my squeals and screams, and Steve's laughs. As the end credits began rolling, I stuffed my face into Steve's chest, whimpering quietly.

"Aw, don't worry sweetheart. It's not real."

"It said it was based on a true story!" I whispered, clutching his shirt.

"I'll protect you, Y/N." He smiled, lifting my head up to kiss me. I smiled on his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands traveled to my hips, pulling me onto his lap. I smirked, pulling away.

"Round two?"

A/N: Annabelle actually wasn't that scary of a movie! And the song was FourFive Seconds by Rihanna. Love that song! Also, thank you all so much for 1.1k reads! I never thought I'd get this far. Thank you all so much, I love you guys! Keep requesting!


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