Imagine 41: Steve

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A/N: this takes place in about 1940 AND i did my research so every is accurate, time-wise. you'll see what i mean. the song in this is "ding dong! the witch is dead" by glee

also "y/s/n" stands for "your sisters name" if you have a sister 

I tapped my foot back stage nervously, looking to my sister. 

"Don't be so nervous, Y/N!" She giggled, her eyes glistening with excitement. Y/S/N and I were preforming at a local bar and theater. Y/S/N was confident and gorgeous; and not that I wasn't outgoing, but when it came preforming, I was always a bit more shy. 

"You look gorgeous, anyways. Guys'll be all over us afterwards, just you see." My older sister smirked, nudging me. 

I was all done up in a deep v-neck, gold beaded dress that flowed right above my ankles. I wore cream platform heel's on my feet, my hair curled to perfection. I blushed, shrugging my hair over my shoulder. Y/S/N looked even better. She wore a knee length, red bodycon dress, her short blond hair curled beautifully. 

I rolled my eyes, placing a hand on my hip. A man walked up to us, informing us it was time. I took a deep breath, turning to my sister. 

"Ready?" Y/S/N breathed. I nodded. I watched her step on stage first; everyone whistled and clapped. She smiled and waved, my cue to come on stage. I walked with my posture tall, moving my hips just the tiniest bit extra. Everyone clapped like they had for my sister.

"Hello gorgeous!!" Someone called out. Y/S/N and I laughed, my cheeks rouging a bit. 

As the audience quieted down, the music began playing. 

"Once there was a wicked witch, in the lovely land of Oz." Y/S/N began, twirling around toward me. "And a wickeder, wickeder, wickeder witch that never, ever was."

"She filled the folks in Munchkin land with terror, and with dread!" I sang, smiling at Y/S/N. "Till one fine day from Kansas, a house fell on her head."

The audience laughed a bit. I began to loosen up, dancing around the stage with my sister as the song progressed. 

"Ding dong, the witch is dead." I sang, turning to Y/S/N.

"Which old witch?" 

"Well, uh, the wicked witch." I replied. 

"She's gone where the golbins go, below, below, below yo ho." We sang together. I took her hand, spinning her in a circle. We continued singing, dancing around merrily.

"Ding dong, the merry, oh, sing it high and sing it low! Let them know the wicked old witch is dead!" I sang, my voice clear and powerful. 

"Why, everyone so glad she took such a crownin'." Y/S/N stood next to me, smirking softly. 

"Gettin' hit by a house is even worse then drownin'!" I answered throwing my hand out; resulting in more chuckles from the audience. 

"Let 'em know, the wicked old witch is dead!" We finished together, holding the last note out, harmonizing perfectly. The crowd cheered loudly; and to my surprise, they actually stood up. 

"A standing ovation." Y/S/N hummed incredulously. "Told ya'." 

I laughed, curtsying next to my sister. As we left the stage, we waved goodbye to the crowd. When we got backstage, I raised an eyebrow. A few men were standing there, seemingly waiting for either one, or both, of us. Y/S/N shrugged. 

"I wonder if she's as good in bed as she is on stage." One of them muttered. 

"Hey!" I called out. "You better not be talking about my sister like that." 

He rolled his eyes, dragging his comrades with him. That left two men; a shorter, skinnier blond one, and a taller, buffer brunette. My eyes softened at the blond. I didn't give a second glance to the brunette, which I normally would have. The blond wasn't my type; yet something drew me in about him. I smiled shyly as the blond made eye contact with me. I held Y/S/N's hand, leading her to the two. 

"Hi." I greeted sweetly, my eyes momentarily flashing to the brown haired man. 

"You two ladies did pretty damn good up there." The brunette flashed me a smile. "James Buchanan Barnes." He introduced himself. I allowed him to kiss my knuckles, watching as he did the same to Y/S/N. 

"You got a name?" I teased. 

The blond blushed, smiling. "Steve. Steve Rogers." 

"You wanna go get a drink, Mr. Rogers?" I asked, holding my hand out. James nudged him, causing Steve to nod and take my hand in his. Steve was about as tall as I was; I had about an inch or two on him, but I didn't mind. 

"You have a really nice voice." Steve said quietly. 

"Thank you." I smiled sweetly. "That your brother back there?" I asked. 

Steve turned around, eyes traveling to James and Y/S/N. "No. But he may as well be."

"That's my sister." I commented. "I'm glad James prefers my sister over me."

Steve blushed, raising an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?" He asked, though I felt as if knew what I was about to say. 

"I never really liked brunettes." I winked. "Though, James might not like it when he finds out she's married."

Steve laughed loudly, clutching his stomach. We continued to laugh and joke around. After the initial greetings, we got along like best friends. After what seemed like ten minutes, but was really over two hours, James and Y/S/N came back over to us. 

Y/S/N yawned. "C'mon kiddo. Time to get home." 

I frowned, nodding. I took Steve's fragile hand in mine, walking outside with James and Y/S/N. 

"Pleasure meeting you two ladies." James smiled, kissing my knuckles, and Y/S/N cheek. 

"Here's my number, Steve." I whispered. "You better promise to call. And if not, I'll be here next Thursday."

I leaned in, pressing a kiss to his soft cheek. Y/S/N and I walked to her car, waving goodbye. Unbeknownst to me, James had began teasing Steve as soon as our backs were turned.

"Looks like I didn't need to be your wingman, Steve." He joked. Steve blushed. "Told you. I said, 'all you gotta do is wait for the right girl who won't judge you'. Well, Steve. There she goes." 

Steve chuckled, pushing Bucky. "Jerk."


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