Imagine 29: Loki

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I sat down, flattening my dress. With a sigh, I searched the ball-room for someone I knew. My mother, an old friend, anyone. Of course, I couldn't spot one person I knew, which meant one thing; introductions. I looked for someone that didn't seem too intimidating, and before I could even stand, a smooth voice spoke behind me.

"What is such a young, beautiful woman like you doing by herself?" It cooed. I stood, blushing slightly. As I turned, one of the Prince's of Asgard cane into view. So much for 'not intimidating'.

I chuckled nervously, straightening my posture. "I can't seem to find anyone I know, and I'm not one for strangers." I explained, offering a small, sweet smile.

He smiled back, offering me his hand. I accepted, letting my smaller hand in his cool palm. He brought my knuckles to his lips, pressing a kiss on them.

"I'm Y/N." I stuttered, my cheeks surely red.

"Loki." He chuckled, slowly releasing my hand. "May I introduce you to my other friends?" Loki asked, pointing to a group of men, and one woman, across the room.

"Of course, it would be an honor." I nodded, walking next to him.

"Everyone." Loki began, getting their attention. "This is Y/N."

A chorus of "hellos" caused me to chuckle, letting out a little wave.

"Y/N, this is Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Sif, and my brother, Thor." Loki explained, pointing to each person at the round table.

"Nice to meet you all." I smiled.

"Y/N, come sit with me." Sif grinned. "It would be nice to have some female company once in a while."

I giggled, taking a seat between Sif and Loki.

"You are the finest female warrior I know of, Sif. All the men are afraid of you, which I suppose is a good thing. This way they can't bother you." I laughed, starting an easy conversation.

"It is indeed a good thing. Thank you for your kind words. Do you fight?"

I sighed jokingly, resting my head in one of my hands. "My father insisted I learn, but I always wanted to learn magic instead. My mother secretly taught me."

"Sounds exactly like Loki!" Thor laughed, slapping Loki on the back. Loki cringed, chuckling lightly when he met my gaze.

"Well, then perhaps we should spend some time together." I offered, trying to make the grumpy God a little less... grumpy.

"I would enjoy that very much, Y/N." He smiled.

Everyone around the table except Sif cooed and made kissy noises, earning a glare from Loki. I blushed, but gave a little chuckle instead. Loki huffed, standing abruptly and rushing away.

"I should follow him." I murmured, grabbing the bottom of my dress and rushing after him.

"Loki!" I called out, finally reaching him on a balcony. He sighed, turning toward me.

"Come here to tease me like the others?" He asked, a rather hostile tone.

"No." I said simply, ignoring his tone with me. "I wanted to relax with you. I'm not a fan of large crowds and parties."

"Ah." Was all Loki said. We stood together in silence before I let out a quiet yawn.

"Well, I'm getting a bit tired. I suppose I'm going to head to my quarters and sleep." I began, my eyes fluttering shut as I moved closer to Loki.

I stared as his seemingly flawless features for a moment; his porcelain skin, his jet black hair styled perfectly, his carved cheekbones, and his gorgeous emerald eyes.

"Goodnight, Loki." I whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. I paused for a moment, awaiting a reaction, but it never came. I nodded to myself, walking back to my room alone.

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