Imagine 65: Tony

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The first month of dating Tony Stark was... interesting. There were more bumps than I'd like to admit, but, as stereotypical as it is, looking back, they were all worth it. After five months, life was now in a routine, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Seven months later, it was our one year.


It seemed as if it at every mile stone, I would sort of evaluate the past time of my life with, and sometimes without, Tony. One hundred percent of the time, I preferred my life with Tony. After one year, I couldn't bare to live without him; and I hoped he felt the same.

After work, I came inside as per usual and half-expected to see some sort of obnoxious, over-extravagant show being played for me. In past anniversaries, Tony had joked about this. I thanked God he didn't go through with it.

Instead, there was nothing, or seemingly so. A woman stood in my doorway, a stoic expression set on her bold features. She held a clipboard in her arms, crossed against her chest. She was dressed in professional work attire, blond hair in a tight bun.

"Excuse me?" I called out, furrowing my eyebrows.

She turned, frowning at my sight. "Y/N?"

I nodded, staying where I stood. "Can I help you?"

"I'm Virginia Potts, Tony's-"

"Boss." I smiled a bit. "Hi."

She didn't smile, however, her frown remained. "Tony... Tony." She mumbled.

I pulled my shirt tighter around my shoulders nervously. "What was that?"

"Tony is dead." She cried out quietly, clutching her chest. "I-I'm so sor-"

I shot up in bed, sweating profusely, tears streaming down my cheeks. I swore under my breath, wiping away my tears. I softly held the photo frame where a picture of Tony and I was held. A soft smile graced my lips, one more tears dripping out the corner of my eye.

"I miss you." I whispered, kissing the frame and setting it back on the nightstand before snuggling back under covers.

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