Imagine 71: Steve

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A/N: major, raw fluff 

It surprised Steve how beautiful he found me, wind blown hair, dirt smudged on my cheeks. In brutal honesty, I looked like a mess, but to him, it was possibly the most beautiful I'd ever been.

Steve found my laugh raw and true, a smile on his lips as my eyes scrunched up in happiness. I held my stomach as I laughed, tears tickling the corners of my eyes. I wiped my makeup-less eyes, sighing contently. I rolled my head on its side, facing Steve. 

"You're very beautiful." He murmured, reaching a hand out to softly caress my cheek. I leaned into his touch, closing my eyes happily. 

"How could I forget? You tell me all the time." 

Steve blushed. "Is that bad thing?" 

I smiled gently, bringing his hand that laid on my cheek to my mouth. "No, not at all." I muttered against his palm, kissing it softly. 

Steve grinned, looking up at the blue sky. I hummed absentmindedly, laying back on the picnic blanket. The hand that hadn't been holding Steve's reached out to the side, fingers picking at the grass. The ground was cool, a change from the warm sun resting on our flushed cheeks. 

"Steve?" I questioned quietly, my eyes looking above to the full branches of tree's planted behind us.

He turned to look down at me, eyes full of love. "Hm?" 

I stayed silent for a moment, sitting up slowly, stretching my relaxed muscles to waken them. I curled my arms around my knees, which were pressed firmly in my chest. I closed my eyes a moment as my temple rested on the tops of my knees. 

Steve smiled sadly, holding my chin and bringing my shut eyes to look at his inquiring blue ones. "What is it?" 

I smiled back, cupping his cheek and planting a soft, quick kiss on his lips. "I just wanted to say I love you." 

Steve grinned boyishly, holding my face with his large hands. "I love you too."

I leaned toward him, my lips fitting on his like lock and key. 

We stayed held in each others arms, a breeze soon picking up, along with a storm. Rain began sprinkling down on the families, friends and couples scattered around the park. I giggled childishly as the water soon drenched my hair into a wet, matted mess, Steve's usually perfect hair hanging down in damp strings. I combed his hair back with my fingers, giggling and kissing his wet lips. 

"Dance with me!" 

Steve almost protested, seeing as there was no music, and I was bound to get sick. But as I spun around in the now empty field, arms out, head back with a grin so pure, he couldn't bring himself to say no. Instead, he took my hands in his, spinning me into his chest. 

I laughed again, wrapping my arms around his neck. I let my head rest on his chest, standing on my tip-toes. We danced around messily, slipping occasionally on the wet grass, a squeal sounding from my parted lips when I did so. 

"We should leave!" I shouted over the pouring rain, a loud clap of thunder screaming from the sky. I jumped, laughing shyly. 

Steve nodded, grabbing the soaked picnic blanket and throwing it over our heads. 

"We're already soaked!" I laughed. "It doesn't matter now!" 

Steve shrugged and smirked slightly. I leaned into him, holding his hand as we raced home underneath the checkered sheet. 

We made it home in a hazed rush, heavy breathing and still, soft laughs. I peeled off my wet clothes and took a deep breath. Steve had taken off his shirt and was wringing it out in the sink. I, however, took my dress and threw it in the dryer, my water-filled shoes sitting atop the dryer. 

With a yawn, Steve padded into our bedroom where I now stood, brushing through my tangled hair that smelled of rain. He hugged me from behind, dipping his head into my neck for a kiss. I smiled gently, setting the brush down. 

"Cap." I smiled, my name of endearment setting a blush on the soldiers cheeks. 

"Doll." He smiled back, tucking my hair behind my ear. 

I yawned, rubbing my eyes. 

"We should sleep." Steve smiled. I nodded in agreement, snuggling under the cool blankets. Steve slipped in after me, pulling me into his chest by my waist. I faced him, kissing his pink lips before yawning once more. 

I shut my eyes, unaware Steve lay awake, staring at me with such a look of admiration until he fell asleep, holding the one thing he loved safely in his arms. 


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