Imagine 45: Bucky

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A/N: dedicated to jetblaack who gave me this great idea (: thanks for reading xx

There he was again, doubting my love for him. 

"Why do you love me? Why are you still with me?" 

It's all I ever hear anymore. It was almost like he was trying to get me to end the relationship. I didn't know what to think. Steve said it was just Bucky doubting himself; he was still afraid of the Winter Soldier. 

But now, it was falling on deaf ears. I've had enough.

"I can't take this anymore." I interrupted him in the middle of his rant. Bucky's expression fell.

"What do you mean?" He mumbled.

"You know what I mean!" I yelled, my voice shaking with anger and sadness. "I can't have you doubting my love for you anymore. It feels like you don't love me back."

Bucky paused for a moment, glaring at me. "Of course I love you." He retorted. He wasn't yelling; but from his tone, he was on the verge of it. 

"It doesn't feel like it!" I informed him sarcastically. "Would you still think I loved you if I asked you why you were still with me every day?!"

Bucky scoffed. "Yes, I would!" He yelled. 

"Well, I don't feel the same way, James!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks. "And it isn't fair to me! This isn't a test! This is a relationship!" 

"You think this is fair for me?!" He shouted, walking closer to me. "I never asked for this life! I didn't want to be brainwashed and kill people! I would've much rather died! It would've been easier than this!!" Bucky growled. 

I let out a broken sob. "Easier than this, huh?" I asked. That had hurt.

"Well, here. I'll make it simple." I managed to speak, pushing past him. I ripped the door open, rushing to my car.

"Where are you going?!" Bucky yelled, crying tears of his own. He stood in the door frame, gripping the side with his metal arm. I let out a soft breath, shaking my head as if to clear my thoughts. Without any hesitation, I drove away. 

Thinking over what Bucky had said to me, more and more tears filled my eyes. I wiped my tears away, but not quick enough. A car came barreling into the side of mine, smashing me off of the road and into the grass. I let out a short scream, breathing heavily. My sight became blurry and spotty as I felt a warmth in my leg. I moaned in pain, letting my head fall against the dashboard. My shaking hand reached for my phone. The screen was cracked, but it was still working. I dialed Bucky's numbed. 

Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee-

"Y/N?" A quiet voice answered, but it wasn't Bucky's.

"Steve..." I sobbed. "I got in a car accident... I don't know what's wrong, but... p-please help me." I begged, clutching my abdomen as a deep, internal pain shot up through my leg, all the way to my stomach. 

"Y/N, you'll be alright. I'm coming. Bucky!!" Steve yelled. 

I could tell just by his tone he was worried, and possibly freaking out. I let out another noise of distress; something between a cry mixed with a pain-filled groan. Now, I heard yelling outside my car, but my sight was too mixed that I couldn't tell. 

"Y/N?" Steve asked. "We're coming. Stay awake, okay?" 

I hummed softly, sitting in an upright position. "Ok." I breathed. I squeezed my eyes open and shut, as if that was going to keep me awake. I just wanted to see Bucky.


I let myself sit there, waiting to be helped. How come no one was helping me?! Didn't they see the car turned over on the side of the road?! I sighed, more tears stinging my eyes. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my breathing. I moved in and out of consciousness for a good ten minutes before I heard familiar voices. The sound was dulled, but I could make out most of it. 

"There, Bucky!"

"Oh my god..." Someone sobbed. I tried opening my eyes, but they felt so heavy. Instead, I coughed, the movement hurting me. I involuntarily let out a painful whail. 

"Y/N!" A soothing voice yelled, but I couldn't pin-point who. Suddenly, my car door was ripped off the hinges. 

"Don't... don't touch me." I breathed, worried that any more movement would cause me so much pain. "It hurts."

I was able to look up; I found myself staring into someones eyes. Bucky. I let my head fall back on the seat, sighing happily. As we continued to just look at each other, I began crying again. 

"Baby, I have to get you out." He murmured, walking toward me. The fight forgotten, I allowed him to unbuckle me. I whimpered, reaching for his shoulders for some sort of comfort. Carefully, Bucky pulled me out of seat, cradling me in his arms. While Steve had called the police and sorted out the ordeal, Bucky helped me to the ambulance. They began pushing him away when I protested.

"Wait!" I called out brokenly. The EMT's looked sympathetic and allowed Bucky to ride with me. Though our ride was silent, I found all the comfort I needed when he wrapped his hand around mine. The EMT's rolled me inside the hospital, one staying behind to talk to Bucky. By the time doctors decided I'd need surgery and stitching, I had fallen asleep.


When I woke up, a small beeping was the only thing I heard. I felt well-rested, but my body was sore. I sat up hesitantly, groaning as my muscles awakened. I looked around, spotting a curled up figure on one of the seats inside the room. I let out a cough, clutching my stomach. I traced my fingers along the bandaging, running my hand through my knotted hair. The figure groaned and sat up, breathing heavily through their nose. 

"Bucky?" I murmured. 

"Y/N, you're awake." He said incredulously, a shy smile on his face. "How do you feel, doll?"

I smiled weakly, rubbing my eye. "Alright. It hurts when I cough or move." I answered honestly, scooting over toward him as he was sat on the edge of the hospital bed. 

"God, I thought..." He whispered, stopping mid-sentence. "I thought you'd left me for good, and then you called.. I didn't know what to think.." Bucky broke off again, tears brimming his shining eyes.

"C'mon, don't cry, baby." I whispered softly, taking both of his hands in mine. "It's alright. I'm not mad at you. I just want you to know I love you, that's all. I don't want you to doubt me."

Bucky sniffled, wiping his already red eyes. "I'm just getting used to this all... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." 

I sighed, pursing my lips. "C'mere baby." I cooed, holding my arms out. He crawled over to me, stuffing his head in my chest. Quiet whimpers came from his mouth, shattering my heart. I hushed his, stroking his head gently.

"I love you Bucky. So, so much." I whispered, holding his head up to mine. I kissed him softly, allowing him to break away to speak. 

"I love you too, doll." He sent me a crooked smile, pecking my lips.

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