Imagine 14: Loki

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I slugged into the kitchen, trying my best to be quiet. I opened the fridge, searching for the breakfast sandwich I had bought a few days prior. I huffed in annoyance, unable to find it. I settled on toast, quickly devouring the small meal. I crept back to my room, shutting my door carefully. I began to make my bed, creasing the blankets so they wouldn't have wrinkles. I folded all the clothes off my floor, put things in their place, and by the time I was done, Loki was already up and moping around.
Yes, Loki.
After SHIELD had agreed, Loki was permitted to come down to Earth and learn the ways of, and I quote, "mortal people." So, Odin stripped Loki of his powers and cast him to Earth, only allowing him home again when he was a changed man. One night, Loki showed up at my house in the rain, and I let him in. I called SHIELD the next day, ready to turn him in, but they explained the situation, and cautiously, I let him stay. With a few conditions, of course. I told him there were to be no tricks, no lying, and he has to help around the house. I didn't require he get a job, though it would've been preferred.

"Why is there no food?" Loki complained.

"I'll go shopping today. I've been busy with work." I mumbled, picking up one of the throw pillows and placing it on my couch.

"I'm hungry now." He demanded, throwing his head back childishly.

"Loki, I don't really care, in all honesty. I have a lot of work to do today, plus cleaning and now grocery shopping. The deal was you help me, not just free-load. It isn't fair." I sighed, my voice raising with every word. "I signed up to help a grown adult get back on his feet, not have a kid."

Loki groaned, stomping back to his room and slamming the door. I frowned angrily, walking to his door, Ripping it open, I'm sure there was fire in my eyes.

"You're a complete child!" I screamed. "I'm doing you a goddamn favor and you repay me by complaining! If life is so tough here, then just leave. You aren't doing me any favor by staying." I growled, slamming the door on my way out. I walked back into the living, sighing. I breathed deeply, quickly calming myself down and focusing on my work, not Loki. A cough interrupted me, causing me to turn around. I faced Loki, a suit case in his hand.

"Where are you going?" I asked, though I was fully aware what was going on.

"You know." He said simply, raising his chin.

"I didn't mean what I said, well, partly. You were acting like a child, and you do complain. You don't have to leave, so long as you agree to quit whining and actually help around the house."

Loki sighed, nodding his head.

"You know Odin isn't going you let you back in Asgard any time soon with you acting like this. And no offense, but I really doubt anyone is gonna be as nice I as I am to you."

He nodded again, his porcelain cheek flaring crimson with embarrassment. He looked up, smiling lightly as he walked toward me. Suddenly, his lips were against mine, and I couldn't find it in me to pull away.

"Do accept my apology, Y/N." Loki whispered, his emerald eyes flickering up to mine. I giggled under my breath, rolling my eyes.

"I do, but I still expect you to help me around the house. A kiss doesn't solve everything." I teased.

In an instant, his lips were pressed softly to mine once more. "What about two kisses?" He smirked.

With a blush, I pull away, smiling lightly.

"Lets try three after you've vacuumed the living room." I chuckle, watching him with a newfound adornment as he sarcastically slumped over to the vacuum.

"Hm." I thought to myself. "Maybe this sassy, slightly annoying but definitely adorable God of Mischief isn't so bad after all."

"I wouldn't go with adorable. Maybe sexy?" Loki whispered. I blushed, my eyes widening.


He can read minds.

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