Imagine #7: Loki

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For Leilani_hiddleston

I sat on the edge of my bed, conjuring up a little flame in my hand, a ball of water in the other. I let them mix, smiling as the two elements combined, creating a little burst of energy. My powers were something special to me; they made me, well. Me. I used them for good, trying to help out in any way I could. I was what some people called a hero, though I used the term loosley. It simply didn't seem to fit me. I wasn't a hero, I was just a good person with weird abilities.

And thankfully, some people understood I didn't want to be called a hero. One of them being my boyfriend, Loki. No one knew about this, though. Loki had come down to Earth to get away from his father, who had lied about his original heritage. As wild and crazy as nine realms exisiting was, I went with it. We became friends, and soon enough, we fell in love. He didn't want anyone to find out he was here, so I kept quiet.

Currently, Loki was at work. Sometimes he would work from a few hours to almost the whole day. I woke up alone, and most of the time, went to be alone. I didn't know where Loki worked. I didn't like the secrets; I had told him. Sometimes, I believed he was cheating on me. He denied it, and told me he loved me, so I had to go with it. I was just going around the house, doing whatever I really felt like. When he left, I didn't do much. If you thought I was busy, you'd be wrong. I was helpful to the city sometimes, but the 'Avengers' normally took over. Suddenly, the phone rang. I jumped to my feet, hoping it was Loki's daily call from work.

"Hello?" I asked cheerily.

"Hello, is Miss. Leilani present?" A monotone voice asked me. I raised an eyebrow to myself.

"Uhm, yes. Speaking."

"Hello, Miss. Leilani. This is Directory Nick Fury, head of SHIELD. Do you have a moment to speak with me?"

"Oh, uh, yeah." I answered. SHIELD? Why do they want to talk to me.

"I've called you today to speak with you about the Avengers Initiative. We've heard about you and your extrordinary powers. If you'd like, it would be a pleasure to add you to our team."

My mouth dropped, and I gasped as I threw my hand up to my mouth. "I... oh my god, I don't know what to say, sir." I said quickly, my heart racing.

"I can arrange a time for you to come to SHIELD. You can meet the rest of the team, and we discuss the matters in more detail."

"That...that would be nice, sir. Thank you so much." I smiled to myself, biting my lip in excitement. "Uhm, I'm free tomorrow around twelve?"

"Sounds perfect. See you then."

"Wait, how will I get there?" I asked quickly, groaning as the line went dead. "They'll figure it out." I mumbled, allowing myself to squeal with happiness, jumping up and down a little bit. I walked into the kitchen, beginning to prepare a celebratory dinner for Loki and I. I knew today was one of his shorter days, which just added to the list of amazing things. Just as I was finishing up the meal, I heard the front door unlock, open and shut. I turned around, a wide smile on my face as I rushed toward Loki, hugging him tightly.

"Hello, love." He mumbled into my hair, kissing my cheek. I leaned into his touch.

"Hey." I whispered, looking into his eyes. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, love." He took a moment, breathing in. "What smells so amazing?"

"I made dinner." I smirked. "I have some good news. Though I'd made a nice dinner for use in celebration."

Loki smiled, wrapping a hand around my waist. "Lets not waste any more time, shall we?"

I giggled, nodding as we walked into the dining room. I let Loki seat himself as I dished out the pasta I prepared, along with some garlic bread. We ate a little bit before Loki spoke up.

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