Imagine 43: Steve part two

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A/N: i liked the first part so i decided to make a part two. the song is "anything goes" by cole porter, 1934

Much to my dismay, Steve hadn't called. Of course, I didn't give up hope. I waited patiently for Thursday and prayed I'd see the little blond again, smiling in the crowd. Tonight was the night; and I was preforming alone. Due to my hopes of seeing Steve, I was extremely confident; and I felt it too. I wore a high neck, knee length dusty purple dress. The current performer finished his number, walking off stage. I smiled, shaking his hand. 

"You did great." I complimented. He nodded, thanking me. I looked over his shoulder, peering into the crowd.


I chuckled. "Just looking for someone, that's all." 

"Hope you see him out there. Break a leg, doll." He smiled, kissing my cheek. I waved goodbye, waiting for the owner of the place to announce me. 

"And, back again, we have the lovely Y/N Y/L/N!" He cheered, holding an arm out for me as he walked off stage. I walked on-stage, waving to the crowd. I took the microphone in my hand, looking around for Steve. Nothing. I sighed. 

"How are we tonight?" I asked sweetly. Everyone whistled and cheered, some shouting "good." I smiled, nodding my head; a cue to start the music. The band began to play. I took a deep breath, beginning to sing.

"Times have changed. And we've often rewound the clock. Since the Puritans got a shock, when they landed on Plymouth rock." I sang, walking slowly around the stage. I continued to sing, looking around the crowd. 

"In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking." I cooed, winking and drawing my dress up a bit, causing the men in the crowd to whistle; the women laughing. "But now God knows, anything goes! Good authors too, who once-" I began the next chorus when the record player scratched. My music stopped, leaving me to stand awkwardly on stage. I blushed in embarrassment, holding a finger.

"Whats going on?!" I cried quietly once I got back stage. 

"Record is bum. Sorry, doll." The owner apologized. I frowned a bit, shrugging.

"That's alright. Thank you for letting me perform anyhow." I smiled sadly. The owner of the club walked on-stage, explaining what happened. They booed, causing the owner to run back to me. 

"They really want you..." He murmured. I blushed, rubbing my arm nervously. Now that I knew Steve wasn't here, my confidence had diminished. 

"C'mon, doll!" Someone yelled. I furrowed my brows... that voice sounded familiar. I rushed back on stage, looking around. 

"There she is, Steve!" The voice yelled again over the loud cheering of the crowd. It was James! Where was Steve? I sighed, unable to find him. I finished the song anyway, ending quite proud with myself. The crowd gave me a standing ovation. I smiled, thanking them. I made eye-contact with James, sending a small wave in his direction. He waved back, turning around to someone. I walked off-stage, hugging the owner, plus the man from earlier.

"I'd rather be hugging Steve. Where is that damn boy?" I asked myself, feeling discouraged. I wanted Y/S/N with me, to tell me he'd show up. I was out of luck tonight, it seemed. I grabbed my purse, walking toward the exit, when a voice called my name. I sighed sadly, turning around. I just wanted to go home. 

"James." I said, my voice tired but happy. A tall, blond, buff male followed behind him. I knew that face....

"Steve?!" I yelled incredulously, rushing toward him. I looked him up and down, furrowing my eyebrows. "What happened?! Not that you don't look good, but... my lord!" I gasped with astonishment. 

Steve chuckled, shoving James playfully as he nudged Steve. "Punk." He muttered. 

I laughed before glaring at Steve lightly. "You, mister, didn't call." I poked his well-toned chest. "Plus, you got a lot of explaining to do."

"Oooh, you're in trouble now, ya' punk." James teased. 

"Shut it, Buck." Steve hissed halfheartedly. 

"He isn't wrong." I smirked, raising my eyebrows. I tapped my foot patiently, both of my hands on my hips. Steve linked his arm with mine, quickly pecking my lips as he pulled me away from Bucky. I blushed, widening my eyes. 

"So, here's the thing, doll." Steve began, smiling softly. 

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