Imagine 37: Steve

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A/N: this is in honor of steve rogers birthday!!! also happy fourth of july to those who celebrate!

I woke up early, silently creeping downstairs. I grabbed my needed supplies; pancake mix, food dye, whipped cream, icing and icing tubes, and last but not least, my waffle iron. I began making the waffles, plating them on the decorative paper plates I had bought prior. The waffles were dyed blue or red, some both. I began icing them; a few had hearts and cute messages, others said "happy birthday" or "happy fourth". I set the can of whipped cream on the table as I finished everything else up. I made my way to our basements, carrying Steve's presents in my hand. I set them neatly next to his breakfast, smiling lightly at my work.

I walked back up, snuggling back under the blankets. I scooted toward him, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Stevieee." I whispered, lightly shaking him by the shoulder. I pecked his nose as his eyes fluttered open.

"Mmm." He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Wake up, Cap." I whispered again.

Once Steve opened his eyes, I smiled, kissing his lips.

"Happy birthday, handsome." I cooed.

Steve smiled softly, kissing me again.

"Thanks, doll." He mumbled, sitting up with me.

I jumped out of the bed, a giggle escaping my lips. "C'mon, I have a surprise for you." I sang, tugging on his wrist.

Steve groaned, getting out of bed and standing next to me. I stood on my tip-toes, covering his eyes with both of my hands. Once we reached the kitchen, I released my hands.

"Happy birthday!!" I exclaimed softly, watching Steve take in all I had laid out.

"For me?" He whispered, turning to face me.

"Its not much, Steve." I teased, rubbing his bicep lightly.

Suddenly, I was wrapped in his arms, being swung around off of my feet. I giggled, blushing as he stuffed his face in my neck.

"Thank you, doll." Steve mumbled, pulling away to kiss me. I gave him a smile, taking his hand and leading toward the table. As he got a closer look

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