Imagine #1: Loki

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I crept downstairs quietly, cautious not to wake up my room mate (and crush) Loki. Ever since New York, he had needed someone to watch him and help him become 'normal' and adapt to life on Earth. As a close friend of Jane, I offered to help out the sassy god. Loki turned out to be quite a cheeky, humorous, kind man who had some personal issues.
And a strong hatred for the morning.
Therefore, it was quite a surprise when I found him sitting at the kitchen table, his head cupped in his hands. He looked tired, distressed, and upset.
"Loki?" I whispered, pulling a chair out next to him. "Are you ok?"
He sighed softly, his hair falling in front of his emerald eyes.
"No." He said quietly, barely audible.
"What's wrong? Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked carefully, fully aware this was thin ice.
"The night mares... they're back." He managed, his own voice failing him.
I gave him a sympathetic smile, rubbing his shoulder reassuringly.
"You want a nice breakfast to take your mind off of it?"
Loki nodded, closing his eyes. I stood from my seat, walking to the fridge to get the needed supplies for breakfast. No sooner had I got up, I heard his chair scrap back against the linoleum tiles, followed by his footsteps.
"Y/N." He whispered, his breath tickling the back of my throat.
"Y-yes Loki?" I stuttered, thankful he couldn't see the heavy blush forming on my cheeks.
"Thank you." He said simply, snaking his arms around my waist tightly, pressing me against him.
"Of course." I squeaked, completely surprised as these actions.
"Y/N." He repeated, spinning me around. Loki had me softly pinned against the refrigerator, his face dangerously close to mine.
"Loki." I teased gently, trying to make the situation less awkward for myself.
Before I knew it, his soft lips were firmly, but gently pressed against mine. I kissed back, draping my arms around his neck, tangling my hands in his dark, silky hair. As he pulled away, I couldn't stop the embarrassing noise of protest I produced. With a light chuckle, Loki pressed a loving kiss on my cheek.
"I do hope you feel the same way, Y/N, because it would be an absolute shame if you did." He hummed against my face.
I giggled lightly, smiling adoringly at him. "Oh, it sure would."

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