Imagine 21: Steve

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A/N: This one is dedicated to lindsaaaaay24  <3

(There is also some offensive language in this.)

I remember that dreaded day like it was yesterday. Maybe because it was yesterday. I had been sitting around my house, not doing much of anything, mainly because it was Saturday and I was feeling a little sick. For the past week, I had been feeling like hell. On Saturday, mu boyfriend, Steve, had came over and said we had to talk. Of course, in a relationship, this is never something you want to hear. Steve wasn't all smiley and happy, too, so I knew what was coming. 

"I think we should, uhm... breakup." 

And though I knew what was coming the minute he said something about 'needing to talk', my heart still shattered, tears prickling at my eyes. But I was respectful and nodded my head, not in the mood to start an argument. 

"Uhm... can I... can I ask why?" I managed, my voice weak and shaky. Steve sighed, his expression falling as he saw my state. 

"I just feel like I'm thinking too much about Peggy, and... I can't continue a relationship where I'm not one hundred percent there, mentally."

I simply nodded, though inside, I was angry. Beyond angry. I got that Steve loved Peggy, but now, this was too much. My perfect, or so I had thought, relationship, was ruined because of some girl Steve like 75 years ago. To my knowledge, they didn't  even date. 

"Well, uhm. I guess that's it, then." I sniffled, wiping my tears away. I stood up, opening the door for Steve. "Bye." I muttered.

He stared at me for another few seconds before nodding his head to himself and leaving. I could tell he was upset, but this is what he wanted. The next morning, I was upset and nauseous. I rushed to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. My thoughts instantly went to how Steve used to hold my hair back, rub my back and whisper sweet nothings in my ear. I began sobbing uncontrollably with my head on the toilet set. After I calmed down a little bit, I flushed the vomit, deciding to call one of my friends to cheer me up. I explained what happened with Steve and I, and how sick I was. 

"Is it a stomach bug or something?" She asked.

"I don't know. Maybe I'm getting my period? I've only been nauseous in the mornings." I paused, thinking for a moment. "Dude, I could totally go for a burger with pickles and mayo right now."

"That does sound good. Why don't we go out for lunch, get your mind off of things?"

I hummed in approval, hanging up after saying goodbye and beginning to get ready. I was still upset, but decided Y/F/N would take my thoughts away from the breakup. We met up at the resturaunt, and I immediately ordered an oreo milkshake, a burger with pickles and mayonnaise, and a side of fries. When our food arrived, I quickly devoured the whole meal. 

"I am so friggin' bloated." I complained.

"Well, you did just consume a shit ton of food, Y/N." Y/F/N giggled, wiping her mouth with a napkin. 

"Dude, feel!" I laughed, pressing on my stomach. 

She laughed, reaching over and pressing on my lower abdomen. "Y/N..." She mumbled, furrowing her brows and pressing again.

"What, am I pregnant?" I joked, one hundred percent kidding. But soon, things made sense. My sudden cravings, morning sickness... I was freaking pregnant. With Steve's baby. My ex. 

I looked up at Y/F/N, my eyes wide. "Shit. Shit, shit, shit, Y/F/N. What do I do?" I mumbled, tears threatening to spill. I cupped my head in my hands, breathing deeply. While I tried to calm down, Y/F/N paid the check and walked me out. We stopped at a grocery store, buying a pack of pregnancy tests. I had Y/F/N stay with me, as I was shitting myself from nervousness. I read through the instructions, doing what I needed to do while Y/F/N waited outside. I set a timer, sitting with my trusted friend, discussing what I should do.

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