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Hello everyone, I'm back with the new chapter today! Hope you all are safe and healthy! Enjoy reading!

"Where are we headed?" She asked. She didn't know where they were going at all.

"To get dinner." He said.

"It's too early though."

"Yeah, so we have booked the tables somewhere far away." He said.

"How long will it take?"

"About 30 minutes." He said.

"Then why did you tell 7.15P.M."

"That was time for picking you up." He said.

"Ohh..Okay. And sorry.."

"For what?"

"Disturbing you by asking questions while driving." She said. He smirked.

The ride was so long. It made her sleepy.

"How long will it take?" She asked after a few minutes.

"20 minutes."

"Okay.." She yawned.

He felt a slight weight on his back. He wondered for what it was.

"Bo Young...?" He called out. There was no reply. He looked at the side mirror. Bo Young was asleep on his shoulder line.

He blushed a little and smiled. He continued driving.

They reached the restaurant. As soon as the motorbike stopped, she woke up, confused.

"Rise and shine.." He said.


"We"re here." He said as he got down and looked at her.

"Oh!" She removed her helmet and handed it to him. He kept in the bike. "Need a hand?" He asked. She hesitated, but he reached his hand out. She held his hand and got down the bike.

"Are they here?" She asked.

"I didn't ask her. I'll call her. We are already late." He  said.

"Late? I thought we were on time. Anyways, I'll text from my side too."

She took out her phone and texted : "We are here. Where you both??" But as a reply, she got a call from Seul Hee.

As soon as Eun Hyuk called Eun Mi, she attended the call.

The call between Bo Young and Seul Hee:

"Where are you both?" She asked.

"I tried telling you but you wouldn't let me." Seul Hee answered.

"I wouldn't let you tell what?"

"In the previous call, I was going to inform you that the hangout is cancelled."

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