* chapter one hundred and fifteen *

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"Tell me all about your day." Claudette mumbled, sliding onto Taehyung. Both were exhausted after chasing after the three dogs.

"Ana!" Claudette sang as she ran, Taehyung shouting after Eliot used him as a wall to jump off of. "Come here baby!"

'TAG TAG TAG DO NOT LET HER TOUCH YOU!' Eliot roared, running two circles around Layla before barking at Claudette. 'YOU CAN'T CATCH ME MOM!'

'Mom.' Layla chased after Claudette. 'Tag me. I'll destroy Sock Face.'

Claudette bopped Layla's nose and rubbed her head before running over to Taehyung, Taehyung dying with laughter.

He saw Layla's eyes lock on Eliot, Eliot frozen in a low position.


Layla sprinted at Eliot, Eliot screaming as he ran away from Layla. Ana giggled and chased her tail, getting exhausted quite quickly.

"Come on Child!" Taehyung scooped up the panting Ana. "We can't let Layla get us!"

"Run faster Eliot!" Claudette teased, watching Eliot and Layla's little race/chase. "Don't want to lose now!"

Eliot skidded to a halt, Layla doing the same.


'Tag me.' Eliot pawed at the ground, staring Claudette down. 'I know what I must do.'

'Your funeral.' Layla touched Eliot with her nose, watching him take off after their mom.

"Eliot!" Claudette laughed, her not-so little puppy running straight at her.


Claudette jumped to the side as Eliot leapt at her, about to tag her. Obviously, he missed and landed on his feet, whirling around to her. "You're gonna have to be faster than that!" Claudette ran off, Taehyung exchanging a high-five with her.

'Your boy toy isn't as fast as you!' Eliot jumped on Taehyung, the poor dude getting knocked off his feet, Ana landing on his chest (unharmed).

"Eliot! You're a rotten potato!" Taehyung kissed Ana's head real quick before setting her down and chasing after the Golden Retriever. "Come here!"

'Hahaha.' Eliot bounded, way too fast for Taehyung. 'Mom, your barbie boy can't even catch up with me. He isn't worthy.'

Taehyung too saw he couldn't compete with Eliot's speed, so he changed targets. Claudette was sprinkling grass around Ana, Ana running around in the falling grass.

Aka, Claudette's back was to Taehyung.

"Gotcha!" Taehyung exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Claudette's waist and picking her up. She squealed as he spun her around, Claudette and him both laughing at this game of tag.

'Uhh, Lay?' Eliot came to a stop beside Layla. 'Why aren't they tagging each other?'

'I think the game is over Eliot.'

We're back in Taehyung's room. His room, very calm. He had a candle in the corner of the room, burning a soft scent.

A gentle smell of sweet honey. Taehyung specifically bought it because of Jungkook, and later on, Claudette was also a reason. This honey scented candle was not a strong, overwhelming smell.

Claudette and Jungkook both have sensitive noses.

Before Taehyung met Jungkook, he was, on a farm obviously. But he always smelled of dirt and manure, very strong smells. Taehyung will never forget the look on Jungkook's face, nor the epic nose scrunch he got once he finally met him.

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