Revealed secrets

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When Edward returned home, after taking Bella to her house, we all pretended that nothing had happened, that we hadn't seen what had just happened. Edward arrived home and everyone went back to their normal activities. Edward entered the house, didn't look at anyone, and before he went upstairs and locked himself in his room he mumbled, "Thank you, Violet" for helping to keep Bella safe.

Edward was falling more and more in love with the human. One day, everyone was home, Edward was with her, as usual. When he came home, he told us, "She knows." Edward said, with all the family in the room. I read his thoughts, he was referring to Bella, she had discovered the secret.

"Hou could you do this Edward? How could you be so selfish not to think that this cannot only affect you, but all of us too?" Rose said.

"Rose, stop it! He wasn't so stupid to reveal our secret, she was the one who found out!" I said. Fights between me and Rose were rare.

"Both of you enough! Edward, how did she find out?" Carlisle asked.

"I don't know. I think she just did. She was suspecting my cold skin, my speed, my absence on sunny days..." Edward said, confused.

"I know how she found out." I said, immediately regretting it.

"How?" Carlisle asked me.

"She went with a couple of friends to La Push the other day. One of them told her about the local myths."

"Fucking dogs!" Rose said.

"It wasn't their fault Rose. One of the boys told her, but he doesn't even believe in those myths, he thinks it's just myths..." I said, trying to be cool. "And it seems the wolves don't know about me..."

"It's better if it stays thay way Violet, we don't know how would they react if they found out." Carlisle said.

"And now? What's it going to be? She has found out about your existence, Edward assures her that she will not tell anyone. But then what?" I asked, a little confused about everything.

"What, Violet?" Edward asked me, but he soon found the answers in my thoughts. "Are you afraid that I'll forget about you?"

"That's not it..."

"Then what is it?" again he found the answers before I could respond. "You think I'll spend too much time with her and not enough with the family? Actually, I have an idea," Edward said, reading his thoughts and speaking aloud his idea before he even said it.

"You want to bring her here to meet us." I said, reading his thoughts.

"No way! If she comes I won't be here!" Rosalie said angrily.

"Rose, please, give your brother a little support..." Esme said, she never likes to watch us argue.

"May I invite her to meet you Carlisle?" Edward asked, always so polite.

"Of course you can! It will be an honor meeting her."

"Thank you so much Carlisle. I would like everyone's help with this." Edward said, looking at Rose.

"Don't count on me." Rose answered.

Rose and Edward argued. Carlisle and Esme separated both of them. Rose left. I was just about to go after her.

"Vi, I think it's better if I go talk to her..." Emmett said.

The other day Edward invited Bella to meet us. The whole family was waiting for them, except Rose and Emmett. A car approached the house, Carlisle and Esme went to meet them. I could only listen to the conversation.

"We were really excited to meet you, Bella! I'm Esme, Edward's mother." Esme said, always so welcoming and maternal.

As Carlisle, Esme, Edward and Bella were walking into the house, Esme said, "I think you already know Alice and Jasper from school."

Alice came over excitedly and introduced herself to Bella. Jasper stayed further back. It was hard for him to control his thirst yet.

"Where are Rosalie and Emmett?" Bella asked Edward.

"They are not home..." Edward said, he would probably tell her why later.

I was in the living room, waiting for them, anxiously.

"I think the only one you didn't meet is Violet, the youngest and the spoiled one of our family." Edward said jokingly.

When I got up from the couch and walked over to them, Bella was surprised. She didn't know I was a witch, probably thought I was a vampire too, and was even more surprised by the blue tone of my eyes.

"It's so good to finally meet you Bella! I'm Violet, Edward's favorite sister!" I said jokingly. When I greeted her, she was even more surprised, because my skin was not cold.

"Are you... human?" She asked me really timidly.

"No! I'm even better than a vampire! I'm a witch."

She was surprised and I could tell she backed off a little.

"How funny! Witches are way more human than vampires, yet you were scared of me and not Edward!

"Edward, why don't you show Bella our house?" Carlisle suggested.

"Of course."

Before they went to another room, I teleported into my room in front of Bella. Now that she knew I didn't have to hide my powers. She was startled. I could hear Edward laughing. The others did too.

I started to hear voices in the hallway. Edward and Bella. Meanwhile, I was lying on my bed, reading Hunger Games.

"This floor is where our bedrooms are." Edward said. "This one here is Carlisle and Esme's.

He continued his tour of the rooms, Emmett and Rosalie's, Alice and Jasper's. And then I heard them coming to my room.

"This one is Violet's." Edward said, then he knocked on the door. "May we come in?"


And then they both entered, Bella looked at all the details of my room and then spoke, "I didn't think your room would be like this... It doesn't look like a witch's room..."

"Were you thinking it would be all black with symbols and blood?" I said, laughing.

"Kind of..." She said shyly, but then she started laughing too.

"And you probably thought there would be crypts..."

"How did you know? Do you read minds like Edward?" Bella asked.

"Actually I do, but not yours... And I knew because most people think similar stuff about vampires."

"Although Violet seems the most defenseless of us she's probably the most powerful of the family. Reading minds is one of her many gifts." Edward said.

"How many powers do you have?" Bella asked curiously.

"I can tell you everything about witches later, I think Edward would like to finish his tour now."

"How odd, looking at you now you remind me of someone..." Bella said.

"Rosalie?" Edward and I asked at the same time.

"I guess so. You two really look alike..."

"That's because we are biological sisters." She looked more curious now, like she wanted to end her tour to stay and talk with me.

"Well, I think Bella will have many opportunities to speak with you, let's go Bella." Edward said.

They left and went to Edward's room.

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