Full house

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Our house has never been more full. It only worked because none of the guests needed sleep. At mealtime, we agreed they wouldn't hunt in neither Forks or La Push, they could only hunt out of state. Edward was lending his cars when necessary. I was impressed how they treated Jake and Seth well. They treated them like people who don't like animals treat their friends' pets, more or less like they were invisible. That was better than what Edward had imagined.

We'd replayed the scene of Renesmee's introduction to the Denali coven a half dozen times. First it was Peter and Charlotte, whom Alice and Jasper had sent our way without giving them any explanation at all. Neither Peter nor Charlotte had ever seen an immortal child. Though they knew the rule, their negative reaction was not as powerful as the Denali vampires' had been at first. Now they were as committed to witnessing as Tanya's family.

Later, Carlisle had sent friends from Ireland and Egypt. The Irish clan arrived first, and they were surprisingly easy to convince. The clan was formed by Siobhan and her husband Liam, and by Maggie, the youngest of the clan, she didn't look older than eighteen. She had the gift to know when someone was lying.

Amun and the other Egyptian vampires were another story. Even though we convinced Benjamin and Tia, Amun refused to touch Nessie and he wanted to leave. Luckily, Benjamin convinced him to stay with a few subtle threated about disbanding their alliance.

"Amun has been keeping Benjamin from Aro's attention. Amun created Benjamin, knowing he would be special." Edward said.

"What can he do?" Bella and I asked.

"Something I've never heard of. Something that even your shield would do nothing against. He can actually influence the elements, like Violet and the other witches. True physical manipulation, no illusion of the mind."

Benjamin seemed really happy and cheerful.

After that, Emmett and Rose sent Carlisle's nomad friends.

Garrett was the first to arrive, he was clearly an adventurer. He quickly got along with the Denali sisters.

Then came Mary and Randall. Who also agreed to be witnesses.

Carlisle and Esme came back a week after they haf left. Emmett and Rose a few days later. I felt a little better that everyone was home again. My parents brought Alistair, he agreed to be a witness, but he didn't want to touch Renesmee.

Unexpectedly two people arrived. The Amazons.

"Carlisle," the taller one spoke.

But they were both really tall.

"Zafrina and Senna! But where's Kachiri?" Carlisle asked. "I've never seen you three apart."

"Alice told us we needed to separate," Zafrina answered. "It's uncomfortable to be away from each other, but Alice assured us that you needed us here, while she very much needed Kachiri somewhere else. That's all she would tell us, except that there was a great hurry... ?"

Both Amazons listened very calmly Ness' story. They were fascinated with Renesmee just as much as the others.

Zafrina was really talented, she could make anyone see whatever she wanted.

"It's a very straightforward illusion," Edward said. "She can make most people see whatever she wants them to see—see that, and nothing else. For example, right now I would appear to be alone in the middle of a rain forest. It's so clear I might possibly believe it, except for the fact that I can still feel you in my arms."

Nessie, who was holding my hand, reached out to Zafrina."Can I see?"

"What would you like to see?" Zafrina asked.

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