Not so perfect party

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Night came, so did Bella's birthday party. The entire family was in the living room, waiting for Edward and Bella to come. When Bella entered the room, as arranged, everyone greeted her with a "Happy birthday, Bella!" which made Bella a little embarrassed. Later she was watching the decoration Alice and I did, our house was covered with pink candles and dozens of crystal bowls filled with roses. Beside the piano there was a table covered with a white cloth with a pink birthday cake, more roses, glass plates and a pile of silver-wrapped presents. I'd told Alice pink was not really Bella's color, but she usually never listens.

The first to greet Bella was Esme, who hugged her carefully soon followed by Carlisle.

"Sorry about this, Bella." Carlisle almost whispered. "We couldn't rein Alice in."

Behind Esme and Carlisle there were Emmett and Rosalie. Rose obviously didn't show happiness or even faced Bella. Emmett was the opposite, with a huge smile, he went to greet Bella.

"You haven't changed at all. I expected a perceptile difference, but here you are, red-faced just like always." Emmett was by far the most cheerful and funniest person in the family, he was also a pro at making people blush. Some say I'm like his female version, the only difference is that make people blush is not really my thing.

"Thanks a lot, Emmett." Bella said, I have no idea how she was more red then before. Emmett laughed at this, for him making Bella blush was really easy.

"I have to step out for a second. Don't do anything funny while I'm gone." he said.

"I'll try."

Alice let go of Jasper's hand and went forward, smiling with her bright teeth, Jasper still kept his distance, it was still difficult for him to control his thirst for human blood.

"Time to open presents." Alice said.

"Alice, I know I told you I didn't want anything-"

"But I didn't listen." Alice said, as I murmured 'as always' and she rolled her eyes. "Open it."

Alice took Bella's camera and gave Bella a silver box. Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper's gift.

"Um... thanks" the box was empty.

Although she didn't like Bella, even Rosalie cracked a smile, Jasper did it too.

"It's a stereo for your truck. Emmett's installing it right now so that you can't return it."

"Thanks Jasper, Rosalie." Bella said. "Thanks, Emmett!" Bella screamed, she didn't know Emmett could still hear her even if she whispered.

"Open mine, Edward and Violet's next." Alice said, as she gave Bella another box.

"You promised." Bella told Edward, refering to when he promised he wouldn't buy anything.

Before Edward replied Emmett came back.

"Just in time!" and he went to sit beside Jasper.

"I didn't spend a dime." Edward said.

"Give it to me"

When Bella started opening the paper, she accidentally cut herself with it.


Everything happened so fast.

"No!" Edward roared.

Edward threw himself at Bella, flinging her back across the table. Presents, roses, the cake and the plates scattered. Jasper slammed into Edward to try to reach Bella. Emmett caught him before something worse happen.

Carlisle was the only who stayed calm, though her blood doesn't affect him, this never happened before, so I was nervous.

"Emmett, Rose, get Jasper outside." he said with authority.

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