Is Bella dead?

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It has been a few months since I have been living temporarily with Sarah and Jennifer. I didn't want to live away from my parents and siblings, but since Grace and Helen arrived in Forks I wanted to continue living here.

As I expected, Bella was not able to stay out of danger. In the beginning, she went to La Push every day to meet Jacob Black and the two of them rode motorcycles together. She was almost injured by werewolves, almost rode a motorcycle with an unknown person, and almost was seriously injured by falling off her bike. All these times I warned Alice, but since nothing really bad happened to Bella, Alice never went back to Forks.

One day I was at Helen and Grace's house, having dinner, and when I went to get up after dinner was over, I had one of my visions, the ones that show the present. Bella jumped off the cliff and fell into the ocean during the storm. At the same time I fell to my knees on the ground.

"What's wrong, Violet?" Grace and Helen asked, very concerned.

I stood up and looked directly at them.

"Bella is in danger. I need to call Alice and let her know." That's all I could say.

I called my sister.

"Alice! Bella, she-"

"She jumped off a cliff I know! I'm in Seattle, I'm with Carlisle's car. Meet me at her house, I'll be there as soon as I can."

She hung up.

"What exactly happened, Violet?" Helen asked me.

"I have these visions, visions of things that happened in the present, it happens everytime someone close to me is in danger. I saw Bella jumping off a cliff..."

"Just like your mother" Helen said.

"What did you say?"

"Your mother also had this gift, Violet. The gift to see the past and present of people. She used to see the past of anyone she touched, and she also used to have visions of the present."

"I need to go to Bella's. Alice asked me to go and I would meet her there."

"Calm down, Vi. Alice is going to take a while until she arrives in Forks. Have some tea, chill, we'll take you to Bella's." Grace told me.

Grace prepared tea for me while Helen put me on the couch and tried to calm me down.

"Here, it will help. As soon as you finish your tea I'll take you there." Grace said.

"Which tea is it?"


I took the tea with calming properties. When prepared by witches, the teas have an almost immediate effect, like potions, I felt the effect immediately.

"We can go now." Grace said.

I said goodbye to Helen and thanked her for dinner. Then Grace and I walked to her car, where I sat in the passenger seat.

"Call your sister and tell her you're coming."

I called Alice and she told me she was coming too.

We arrived at Bella's house. Grace dropped me off and went back home. When I arrived I saw Carlisle's car parked nearby, Alice was already inside. I opened the unlocked door of the house and Alice was waiting anxiously for me.


Even with all Bella's situation I couldn't forget how much I missed Alice. We hugged.

"Violet! I knew Bella wasn't capable of taking care of herself... I tried warning Edward, but you know how he is..."

Soon we heard Bella's car parking on the street. I could feel her nervousness at knowing that one of the Cullens would be waiting for her. She walked into the house and saw us.

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